You searched for "African Swine Fever Pig Outbreak Culling" (1 results found)

Baltic states cull 35,000 pigs due to ASF

  • 19 Sep 11:26

Whilst African Swine Fever (ASF) is spreading across China and penetrating Western Europe, the picture in Baltic States remains very complicated. Latvia and Lithuania had to cull in total almost 35,000 pigs. In Lithuania the outbreak took place at Idavang farm near AkmenÄ—, in the north of the country. It was be the biggest outbreak in the country for the past 3 years, according to the country’s State Food and Veterinary Service. In addition, it was the 2ndtime for ASF to hit a production facility of Idavang. In 2014, as a result of an ASF outbreak, overall losses were up to 19,000 pigs. At this facility, in 2018, 19,500 head had to be culled. ASF outbreak in. Read more...