You searched for "Cherkizovo turkey poultry production" (1 results found)

Playing a key role in Russian’s turkey business

  • 7 Jun 09:07

Cherkizovo Group’s turkey plant, run in a joint venture with Spain’s Grupo Fuertes, hit full capacity last week and company executives hope to double the factory’s throughput. Meat giant Cherkizovo Group’s vertically integrated turkey facility in Tambov is responsible for around a fifth of the turkey meat produced in Russia, but Cherkizovo chiefs said this could be increased to just under half. Producing around 50,000 t of turkey meat per year in Tambov, Cherkizovo said its factory has the capacity to reach 100,000 t within the next 12 months. As a whole, Russia produced around 230,000 t of turkey meat last year, according to. Read more...