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Foodservice turnover in Russia in September fell by 14%

  • 16 Nov 11:57

The rate of decline in the Russian foodservice market in 2020 continues to slow down, turnover in September 2020 amounted to 132.6 billion rubles, or 86% to the level of the corresponding period of the previous year. This is stated in the materials of Rosstat. The turnover of the foodservice segment in Russia in January - September 2020 amounted to 947.5 billion rubles, or 77.2% to the level of last year (a drop of 22.8%). By August 2020, the turnover of foodservice outlets in September increased by 11.5%. Compared to Q2, Q3 growth was 70.6%. The turnover of foodservice segment in Russia began to fall against the background of the coronavirus pandemic: in April it. Read more...