You searched for "Genetics" (3 results found)

Miratorg opens Genomic Selection Center in Domodedovo, Moscow

  • 14 May 10:05

The facility is part of Skolkovo Innovation Center and ranks among Top 5 global genetic veterinary laboratories. Miratorg invested $67.5 million to open a Genomic Selection Center in Domodedovo, Moscow region in order to perform difficult of livestock genomic evaluation and genotyping. Over 400,000 DNA tests per year and genotyping of biological samples of various species (animals, plants and humans) can be done there due to automated equipment and highly qualified specialists, fact that qualifies the facility among Top 5 global genetic veterinary laboratories. $1.7 million were allocated for unique automated laboratory equipment, as one of the objectives of. Read more...

Genesus Global Market Report: France, May 2018

  • 3 May 11:10

Beginning of April 2018 price for a piglet was €25.44 compared to €36.91 same period last year. The average price for a 25 kg feeder pig was €1.64 per kg compared to €2.32 same period last year (that is €17 cheaper than 1 year ago). by Philippe Mallétroit, Director France, Genesus Inc. We also find these low prices for finisher pigs, where the average for the month of April 2018 is €1.190 per kg. When we compare the average price for April over the last 10 years, we can see that it is positioned around €1.306. The 2018 cumulative average is today at €1.174 With the arrival of the nice weather, good for. Read more...

EU and Spain Hog Markets

  • 12 Apr 11:11

The price of pork continues to recover in these first months of 2017, and last week has closed at 1,310 € / kg / live, writes Mercedes Vega, General Director for Spain, Italy & Portugal. With this value, we are already above the year 2014 on the same date (compared to the price of last year), and almost at the same level as the maximum of 2016. The rest of Europe is also around 1.3 € / Kg / live. Every year that passes, the price changes seen by seasonality is disappearing. Domestic consumption of the EU influences its demand, but it is the demand of Asian countries that is generating a new guideline. Cold stores are empty throughout the European. Read more...