Current Russian pig price is 94.9 Roubles ($1.37) per kg live-weight including VAT. At this level, good producers continue to make good profits even with this year’s higher feed price. There has not been over much disruption to supplies from meat plant closures, although there are plants where the administrative staff is packing meat. This is one circumstance where having excessive levels of administration have helped. It does of course beg the question if in these circumstances’ administrators can work on the factory floor, what do they do in normal times? Using the word PROFIT, in the opening paragraph triggers some thoughts. Conventional wisdom says that. Read more...
The pig price in Russia has fallen to 92 Roubles ($1.43) per live kg. Half carcasses are selling for 140 Roubles ($2.19) meaning a margin of 1,436 Roubles ($22.4) for slaughter plants. For the large integrated producers margins are still good, although lower than over the past few years. December, January and February are the months where in Russia the price is lowest. For the higher cost producers, the winter is not looking good! New farms continue to be built and stocked and consumer spending pretty static. Increasing supply and no change in demand means generally lower prices. That is unless anything major, like Russian pork being. Read more...
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