You searched for "HatchCare" (1 results found)

The Resource Group of Companies, Russians leading poultry producer, chooses HatchCare as their Early Feeding solution.

  • 26 Jun 10:38

The Resource Group of Companies (GAP) producers poultry meat in Russia and exports to over 40 countries. As a fully integrated company, GAP provides a full cycle of poultry production: parent flock management, incubation, broiler growing, feed production, to procession, sales and promotion. Parent stock management of high-performing crosses allows them to provide their 7 hatcheries with breeding material, and guarantee the high quality of the incubation egg. Providing feed and fresh water to newborn chicks straight from birth allows the animal the best possible start in life, providing a foundation for long-term chick health, development and quality. Andrey Uzlovenko. Read more...