Current average live weight price remains strong at 116 Roubles/kg ($1.79/live kg) With corn currently at 10,540 Roubles/tonne ($213/metric tonne), profitability remains very high at between 3,479 Roubles per pig ($48.3) for the average producer and well over 5,000 Roubles ($78.2) for efficient producers killing pigs at heavier weights, writes Simon Grey, Genesus General Manager Russia, CIS and EU. Retail prices are 350 Roubles/kg ($5.40/kg) for the highest value cut which is neck and 280 Roubles/kg ($4.32/kg) for the lowest value cut, which is ham!! Internally total meat consumption is falling a little from its peak of 75kg per person in 2013. This is due to the. Read more...
According to the General Statistics Office, Vietnam currently has about 27.2 million pigs on the farms (up 2.9 per cent from last year at this time), writes Ron Lane, Business Director for Asia Pacific and Meggie Vo, Genesus Marketing Representative in Vietnam. The hog market production reached 2.05 million tonnes of pork in the first 6 months of 2015 which is an increase of 3.9 per cent as compared to the same period in 2014. The Ministry of Agriculture forecasts an increase in output this year of 2.4 per cent to 3.37 million tonnes. In the first six months of the pig breeding year, production developed quite smoothly as the incidence of PRRS (blue ear) did not. Read more...
Current live-weight price is 113 Roubles/kg ($2.09). Current grain prices put cost of food per kg for the efficient producers at 47 Roubles / kg ($0.87). Assuming feed at 60 per cent of cost for newish farms with high levels of borrowing, cost of production is about 79 Roubles / kg ($1.46) making profit on a 120kg live weight pig 4,072 Roubles ($75.60), writes Simon Gray, General Manager Russia, CIS and EU. Add to this the fact that many producers are fully integrated. In Russia this means a single business owns the process from growing crops, right through to retail outlets. In Russia the pig business is a good business to be in. With current investment costs building a. Read more...
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