A new FAO report highlights the multiple contributions made by the global livestock sector — especially to the lives of millions of poor, animal-dependent small-scale producers in developing countries — but also says that changes in policies and practices are needed in order to optimize those contributions. According toWorld Livestock: Transforming the livestock sector through the Sustainable Development Goals, the debate around livestock production has so far been largely focused on how the sector can produce more to satisfy surging demand for animal products and feed a growing global population while at the same time reducing its environmental footprint. While. Read more...
The Armenian agriculture ministry and the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) will sign a new agreement to expand their cooperation, Iganti Araqelyan, Armenian agriculture minister, told journalists on Wednesday. "Armenia became a member of FAO in 1993 and a huge job has been done since then," he said. "The agreement will make it possible to speed up investments under programs and implement large-scale projects with the FAO support." According toARKA News Agency, the minister pointed out cattle breeding, veterinary and food safety as to-priority grounds for cooperation. "Already now we are implementing important. Read more...
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