You searched for "country of origin labeling" (1 results found)

US Repeals COOL Law

  • 17 Jun 11:46

On Wednesday, the U.S. House voted 300-131 to repeal the mandatory country of origin labelling (COOL) law for beef, pork and poultry, says a University of Missouri weekly update. This vote followed the fourth ruling against the U.S. law by the World Trade Organization, write Professors Ron Plain and Scott Brown. This is an attempt to keep Canada and Mexico from implementing retaliatory tariffs on U.S. products. Action by the Senate is still needed. The June WASDE reduced USDA's forecast of 2015 beef production by 1.1 per cent, but increased their 2016 prediction by 0.9 per cent. They are now predicting 1 per cent less beef this year than last and 3 per cent more. Read more...