You searched for "government" (2 results found)

Russian government to toughen sanctions for concealing animal diseases

  • 17 Sep 10:51

On Tuesday, September 15, the magazine "Veterinary and Life" reported that the Russian government had submitted a bill to the State Duma on increasing the responsibility of economic entities for violating veterinary and sanitary rules. In particular, it is planned to increase the fine for concealing from the state bodies of veterinary supervision the facts of sudden death or mass illness of farm animals and poultry (Article 10.7 of the Administrative Code of the Russian Federation). An example of this can be the cases of secret burial or removal to unauthorized dumps of pigs killed by ASF in different regions of Russia. In the explanatory note to the bill, it. Read more...

Russia will adopt a law on the quality of food products

  • 25 Apr 10:12

Rospotrebnadzor proposes to introduce a new concept of “quality of food products” and fix it legislatively, reports RIA Novosti. Thus, the Russians will have a law on the principles of healthy eating. The new bill will work in conjunction with the state strategy to improve the quality of food products in the Russian Federation, which is scheduled to be completed until 2030. In particular, the formulation of a quality product is specified. Firstly, it is a safe product for health, secondly, it must become part of a full-fledged diet, thirdly, it must comply. Read more...