You searched for "meat demand" (2 results found)

The power of meat labels and marketing

  • 29 Mar 08:22

We all have bought meat products of some kind from a grocery store or local butcher. However, were you aware of all the statements and logos on that package and what they meant in terms of their impact on the dollar value of the product you purchased? During the March 2nd Animal Care Wednesday Webinar, Dr. Bryon Wiegand, a Professor and Meat Science Extension Specialist at the University of Missouri, discussed the value of meat products and their label claims. He used beef as his example, but the same principles can apply to any of the other species, including pork, lamb, and poultry. Adding value With any livestock species, when live animal prices go down, there is. Read more...

Marr-Russia responds to McDonald’s demand

  • 20 Feb 08:47

By 2018 Russian-Italian firm Marr-Russia plans to invest RUB1.5 billion (US$20m) in the construction of a new production and logistics centre in Moscow Oblast, increasing its existing production capacity, according to a statement from deputy head of the. Read more...