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Miratorg aiming for double meat output by 2020

  • 28 Apr 10:06

Russian pork giant Miratorg aims to double its meat production from a forecasted 500,000 tonnes in 2016 to 1 million tonnes in 2020. The investments should boost turnover to US$ 4-5 billion, being currently US$1.8 billion. For a large part, the increased meat output should be sold on the domestic market, Miratorg aims for an increase by about 400,000 tonnes. 2016 pork figures In first quarter of 2016, Miratorg produced 99,000 tonnes of pork, a 6% year-on-year increase. The company states that its main emphasis has been on efficiency improvement, pig feeding efficiency and cost reduction. This should all lead to a competitive advantage over Russian pork. Read more...