Measures to stem the spread of the coronavirus amplified those swine shortages and accelerated attempts to boost the population of domestic herds. The coronavirus has wreaked havoc on commercial aviation, but Alexey Isaykin's cargo carrier has been fully loaded. Volga-Dnepr Group has flown more than 3,000 breeding pigs to China from France this year. The animals -- transported 6,450 miles (10,400 kilometers) in wooden crates in the hold of a Boeing 747 cargo plane -- are being used to restore local livestock levels to help mitigate shortages in the world's largest pork market after an outbreak of African swine fever decimated China's hog herds. Measures. Read more...
According to the Federal State Statistics Service (Rosstat), as of October 1, 2019, the number of cattle in Russian farms of all forms of ownership decreased by 0.5% compared to 2018 and amounted to 18.8 million units. The number of goats and sheep, according to the Federal State Statistics Service, for the same period decreased by 2.6% to 24.2 million units. But the number of pigs on an annualized basis increased by 4.8% - up to 25.7 million units. The number of herds of cows remains at the level of last year and amounts. Read more...
In seven months of this year, the production of pigs for slaughter in live weight in agricultural organizations of Russia amounted to 2.43 million tons, which is 5.2% (119.8 thousand tons) higher than the level of the same period in 2018. The main increase in production was provided by agricultural producers of Belgorod, Pskov, Voronezh, Kursk, Lipetsk regions. Read more...
As the Moscow Statistical Office (Rosstat) has now officially announced, a total of 25.5 mill. pigs were kept in Russia on 1 July 2019, 4.3% more than a year earlier. On the other hand, the keeping of other animal species declined. Compared to the previous year, the cattle herd was reduced by 0.8% to 19.2 mill. animals; the number of cows fell by 0.4% to 8.1 mill. In addition, the poultry population shrank by 1.6% to 563 mill. animals. The strongest decline was in sheep and goats, whose number fell by 4.2% to 25.3 mill. within a year. According to Rosstat, Russia's commercial meat production in the first half of 2019 totalled 6.8 mill. t live weight, a moderate. Read more...
Oleg Kozhemyako, Governor of Primorsky region, said that more than 100 thousand pigs died in the region as a result of last year’s outbreak of foot and mouth disease. "A very big problem for the industry was an outbreak of foot and mouth disease, which began in late 2018. More than 100 thousand pigs died, industrial pig breeding almost disappeared," said Kozhemyako at a meeting of the Primorye Legislative Assembly. He added that the authorities of the region provided assistance only to owners of private farms affected by foot and mouth disease. Foot and mouth disease caused significant damage to the region, he added and said that it has not. Read more...
Up to April 1, 2019, the cattle numbers in Russia were 18.6 million heads, which is 0.9% lower than last year, reports the federal statistics service. According to Rosstat, the number of cows in farms of all forms of ownership decreased by 0.3% (to 8 million heads), the number of sheep and goats - by 4.7% (to 23.6 million heads), the number of poultry - by 0.9% (to 558.9 million heads). At the same time, the number of pigs increased by 3.4%, and reached 24.6 million heads by. Read more...
The Ministry of Agriculture of Russia (Minselkhoz) has announced that the country produced a larger number of pigs for slaughter so far this year. In the first seven months of 2018, the Russian production of pigs for slaughter in live weight has amounted to 2.31 million tons, which is 10.9% higher than the level reported during the same period last year. The ministry revealed that the main increase in the production of pigs was provided by the agricultural producers from the Voronezh, Kursk, Belgorod, Pskov,. Read more...
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