You searched for "poultry export.cherkizovo" (2 results found)

Chinese market opens up prospects for Russian poultry farmers

  • 19 Nov 11:37

With the growth of the Chinese economy, an increase in poultry meat consumption and a shortage of pork in the domestic market, China becomes a promising market for Russian poultry companies. This was stated at the international export forum "Made in Russia" by the representative of the Cherkizovo group Andrei Terekhin. The head of the Cherkizovo Group’s export direction noted that the demand of Chinese consumers is increasingly clearly in line with the global trend - an increase in the consumption of dietary and affordable poultry products. According to Terekhin, the requirements of the Chinese market in terms of price, quality and safety for. Read more...


  • 30 Sep 10:15

СherkizovoGroup (Petelinka and Pava-Pava brands) took part in a Sino-Russian workshop on the countries’ bilateral relations and the Qinghai province. Cherkizovo's ChiefAnalyst AndreyDalnov presented the Group’s take and outlook on poultry exports to China. “Poultry supplies to China are booming. In2019 and 2020, Russian poultry exports to this country are expected to total some 50kt and over100kt, respectively,” said AndreyDalnov. According to Cherkizovo, China may surpass Vietnam and Ukraine as the largest importer of Russian poultry products this year. With annual growth rates at 2–3%, Russia's poultry market has. Read more...