You searched for "trade ban" (2 results found)

Brazilian pork exports drop in Q1 due to Russian trade ban

  • 4 May 10:45

Brazil has witnessed a drop by 16% in its pork export in the first three months of 2018 compared to the corresponding period from 2017, according to the latest analysis released by the Agriculture and Horticulture Development Board. According to AHDB analyst, Bethan Wilkins, the decline appeared as a result of Russia's ongoing restrictions on Brazilian pork imports, seeing that Brazil used to ship 40% of its fresh/frozen pork to this country. Still, the impact of the Russian ban on the Brazilian pork exports was somewhat minimised by an increase in demand for pork from China and Hong Kong. "At 70,400 tonnes (+ 80% year-on-year), pork exports. Read more...

Russian trade ban inflicts maximum damage

  • 4 Jul 13:24

Russia’s politically-motivated decision to slash meat imports continues to be a bloody thorn in the side of the meat industry,. Read more...