You searched for "Consumer food prices" (1 results found)

In December, the food prices in Russia rose 2 times faster than in the European Union

  • 5 Feb 11:13

Consumer food prices in Russia in December grew by 0.8% compared to the previous month. In 2019 the price of food increased by 2.7%, according to Rosstat. In the EU consumer prices for food last month increased by 0.4%. For the full year food prices rose 2.5 percent. In December 2019 compared to the previous month, consumer prices for food products among EU countries has increased most significantly in Poland, Hungary, Romania, Finland (by 1.0 and 1.1%); in annual terms – in Poland (7.2%), Bulgaria (7.0%), Hungary, Slovakia, Romania, the Czech Republic (5.1-6.5 per cent). In some countries the price of food has decreased. compared to November 2019 most. Read more...