The average producer price of compound feed in Russia increased by 24% over the last year and in April was at the level of 17.8 thousand rubles / ton, reports Rosstat. For the first four months of the 2019th feed price went up by 8%. The most significant change was observed in the Central Federal District, where mixed feed price increased by 26.5% to 18 thousand rubles / ton, in the Volga region the growth was 25%, in the Urals - 24.5%. In particular, poultry feed prices in April rose by another 0.7% and reached a record level of 19.2 thousand rubles / ton. Compared with April 2018, growth is estimated at 22%. The average price of feed for pigs in annual terms increased by. Read more...
At the end of December last year, the livestock breeders were provided with animal feed, although grain stocks by the end of the yearhad decreased slightly year-on-year. The grain harvest, though yielding to the figures of 2017, was still high, although active exports reduced grain stocks by almost 24%. This is somewhat reflected in the availability of feed: the figure for the year fell by 4.3%. At the same time, feed production, against the background of high yield, showed a positive trend: the total volume of mixed fodder production in Russia in December 2018 was 2.5 million tons, so by the beginning of 2019, we can expect an increase in feed stocks. Despite the low. Read more...
Prices for poultry feed in Russia jumped nearly 20% in 2015 reaching an absolute record and look set to continue rising this year, according to official data from the Russian State Statistical Service. Concurrently, prices for poultry meat and eggs are feeling the pressure of oversupply and together these trends most likely will cut poultry profitability in the country. Poultry feed prices The average price of broiler carcasses in Russia in February of 2016 amounted to RUB 118 (US$ 1.79) per kg, which is 5% lower than the same time last year. Meanwhile, the price of poultry feed during this period rose from RUB 15,786 (US$240) to RUB 17,599 (US$267). Reports. Read more...
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