The Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation will simplify the admission of small agricultural producers to the markets through amendments to the law “On retail markets”. Amendments to the law that will help implement these plans, experts have already prepared. Now, according to the ministry, farmers will have more maneuvers to expand their business, and administrative barriers will weaken. The essence of the changes is that the sellers' cards on the agricultural market for farmers and villagers who grow potatoes, vegetables or produce meat in their own farms will be canceled. Deputy Minister of Agriculture Oksana Lut, commenting on. Read more...
The results of a household survey released by the UN's Food and Agriculture Organisation (FAO) paint a bleak picture for small-scale, family-run farms in the Donetsk and Lugansk regions. Skipping meals, migrating to find work, borrowing to pay for necessities, selling their household goods and vehicles, killing their livestock for lack of feed, planting less for lack of seed and fertiliser - these are some of the coping strategies of 230,000 families struggling to get by in the conflict areas of eastern Ukraine. The conflict - now more than a year old - has sparked skyrocketing prices for food, fuel, transport, seed, fertiliser, animal feed, and other. Read more...
Sanctions against European food products are putting Russian farmers in the Kremlin's spotlight. Government grants to help farmers set up in business are growing. Yury Orlov from Mordovia runs a dairy farm. He has recently received a Russian governmentBeginning Farmergrant as a new farmer of 1.5 million rubles ($23,000). With this money, he has equipped a milking shed and purchased 15 cows. Yury is now planning to enter a competition for a grant as a “family farm" - worth between 3 and 7 million rubles ($47,000-$110,000), which would enable him to significantly increase capacity and production. Natalia Zvereva, director of regional social. Read more...
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