You searched for "healthy diet" (2 results found)

Food in law. Russia plans to consolidate the ideology of healthy eating at the legislative level

  • 8 May 10:18

Russian government plans to consolidate the ideology of healthy eating at the legislative level. Experts are sure that new law will be able to restore order in the sphere of selling products. Together with the inclusion of ideology in the educational system, this should change the minds of Russians and make them healthier. "," found out what officials understand as a normal diet. The idea to accustom Russians to a healthy diet with the help of a special law was pondered for the first time. According to the deputy chairman of the government Tatyana Golikova it was decided to take on this in the framework of the national project. Read more...

Food trends: low-fat bison meat key to a healthy diet

  • 19 Jul 10:19

Meat wholesaler Durham Ranch has called on Americans to eat bison burgers with the business 'committed' to sustainable farming after the US hunted buffalo to near-extinction. Read more...