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Ministry of Agriculture: prices for chicken meat increased sharply

  • 31 Jan 09:20

The Ministry of Agriculture recorded in January an increase in wholesale prices for chicken meat. RBC writes that on January 17, the weighted average price of poultry meat amounted to 117.2 thousand rubles per ton (+ 21.8% compared to the same date of 2018). Earlier it was reported that on January 10, 2019, the weighted average price for chicken meat was at the level of 117.85 thousand rubles (+ 0.3% per week). Retail prices for chicken, according to Rosstat, by January 14 exceeded the prices of January 2018 by 22.4%. The cost of 1 kg of chicken in retail increased to 152.7 rubles (a year ago it was 125.1 rubles / kg). According to IMIT, on January 21. Read more...