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Russian October railway exports at highest in almost 2 years

  • 11 Nov 10:01

Russian sugar railway exports hit their highest since January 2018 in October of 76,819 mt, up from 47,415 mt the previous month and almost four times the 19,577 mt a year earlier, according to figures from consultancy Ikar. Sugar shipments have started the season (August-July) on a strong note, notching up 149,379 mt in the first three months of the campaign, nearly the triple the 50,224 mt over the same period of 2018-19. What lies behind this surge in sugar exports is the expectation of a new bumper crop in Russia this season, which could also post a new all-time high, surpassing 2017-18’s 6.460 million mt. A higher beet acreage and favorable weather are the main. Read more...