World meat industry news

Viet Nam Hog Markets

  • 15 Jul 12:20

According to the General Statistics Office, Vietnam currently has about 27.2 million pigs on the farms (up 2.9 per cent from last year at this time), writes Ron Lane, Business Director for Asia Pacific and Meggie Vo, Genesus Marketing Representative in Vietnam. The hog market production reached 2.05 million tonnes of pork in the first 6 months of 2015 which is an increase of 3.9 per cent as compared to the same period in 2014. The Ministry of Agriculture forecasts an increase in output this year of 2.4 per cent to 3.37 million tonnes. In the first six months of the pig breeding year, production developed quite smoothly as the incidence of PRRS (blue ear) did not. Read more...

Growing Beef Demand in USA

  • 15 Jul 12:19

Domestic beef demand was up 8 per cent in May, but foreign demand was down 9 per cent, writes Ron Plain and Scott Brown, University of Missouri. During the first five months of the year, beef imports were up 37.3 per cent and exports were down 9.5 per cent compared to January-May 2014. The latest USDA WASDE report cut expected 2015 beef production by 0.8 per cent and increased 2016 production by 0.5 per cent. They now predict 1.8 per cent less beef this year than last and 4.3 per cent more beef in 2016 than this year. They expect fed cattle prices to average close to $160/cwt both this year and next. Fed cattle futures were lower this week. The feeder cattle contracts. Read more...

Alternative Farrowing Options in the Swine Industry

  • 14 Jul 10:18

Over the past decade there has been increased awareness from the public on animal welfare issues related to sow farrowing and lactation, and this factsheet from Monique Pairis-Garcia at Ohio State University described some alternative options to the traditional farrowing stall. In the United States, restricted sow movement in the traditional farrowing stall has been identified as a significant concern with growing pressure towards the elimination of this system. Recognising changes in consumer demand and the desire to improve sow welfare by meeting her biological needs during farrowing, alternative farrowing options need to be assessed. The purpose of this factsheet. Read more...

Six New African Swine Fever Outbreaks in Russian Pigs

  • 14 Jul 10:17

There have been six new outbreaks of African Swine Fever in Russia, affecting village swine herds. In total, there were 25 cases out of a susceptible population of 71 animals. There were 19 deaths, and all 52 susceptible animals in the pig operations were destroyed. The outbreaks occurred in several different areas in the. Read more...

USDA Bi-Weekly International Meat, Poultry & Egg Review - 10 July 2015

  • 13 Jul 11:42

International Trade Highlights: US Chicken Leg Quarter Export Update Based on data, the US shipped a total of 131,876 metric tons (MT) of chicken leg quarters in May 2015, 2% lower than April 2015 (134,850 MT) and 1% lower than May 2014 (133,378 MT). A more drastic difference was seen in export values as the US shipped a total of $101,886,000 of chicken leg quarters in May 2015, 7% lower than April 2015 ($109,003,000) and 29% lower than May 2014 ($144,361,000). The US exported a total of 14,787 MT of chicken leg quarters to Angola in May 2015 with 13,168 MT to Mexico, 9,882 MT to Cuba, 7,658 MT to the United Arab Emirates (UAE), 6,845 MT to Taiwan, 6,757 MT to Iraq,. Read more...

Greek Exit Spells Danger for French Beef

  • 13 Jul 11:36

A Greek exit from the Eurozone could damage French beef exports, warns an industry leader.France is the leading supplier of beef to Greece but being ousted from the euro zone lead to a collapse in Greek demand, said Dominque Langlois, President of meat industry board, Interbev. After Italy, Mr Langlois said Greek was France’s biggest market. “The French beef industry remains at the mercy of current developments in that country,” he told Irish Food Bord, Board Bia. He noted that downward pressure was being felt on beef prices across major European markets as a result of ongoing fiscal negotiations between Greece and the EU. The. Read more...

Southern African Drought Hammers Red Meat Production

  • 10 Jul 11:48

Poultry and red meat producers in Southern Africa are bracing for a steep rise in feed costs after drought conditions affected South Africa, the biggest grain producer in the region, writes Tawanda Korombo. The grain shortages in South Africa will be felt across the region and will have knock on effects on poultry and red meat producers. Countries such as Zimbabwe and Malawi, Swaziland and Lesotho that rely on food imports from South Africa will be affected the most as South Africa is likely to cut on exports. Zimbabwe already has food shortages and poultry and other meat producers in the country are already reliant on straight imports from neighbouring Zambia. Poultry. Read more...

Food Security in a Transparent World

  • 10 Jul 11:46

Delegates at a recent conference on how to achieve worldwide food security heard about sustainability initiatives from global fast-food company McDonald's and a meat company sourcing its beef from a particularly environmentally sensitive area, reports Jackie Linden for 5m Publishing. The Nutreco AgriVision 2015 conference, held recently at Noordwijk aan Zee in the Netherlands and organised by Nutreco, offered some interesting insights into successful sustainability initiatives by some of the world’s leading food companies. Animal Health and Welfare at McDonald’s: Balancing Global and Local McDonald’s has a global presence yet it depends on. Read more...

Gay Marriage Could Threaten Australian Cattle Trade, Warns Minister

  • 8 Jul 12:11

Ministers opposing same sex marriage are warning Australia’s cattle trade would take an economic hit if a new bill was passed. Agriculture Minister Barnaby Joyce and Leader of Government in the Senate Eric Abetz warn nearby Asian trading partners will shun Australia on cultural grounds, threatening cattle exports. Reacting to Senator Abetz, a staunch opposer of same-sex marriage, Mr Joyce told ABC news last week that South East Asian countries would see Australia as “decadent”. Australia trades with Indonesia, Malaysia, Papua New Guinea, China and Japan and these are culturally different to Europe, he told ABC news. He pointed to the repeated. Read more...

French Plans to Support Agri-food Sector to 2025

  • 8 Jul 12:07

Fresh moves are being made in France to support the livestock and agriculture sectors that have been rocked by low prices and poor market conditions. Last month, the agriculture minister Stéphan Le Foll called in the Ombudsman for Agricultural Trade Relations to gather evidence from the processing and distribution industry after concerns were raised over prices paid to livestock and dairy farmers. The ombudsman’s findings are due to be reported later this month. The agriculture minister also called on the agrifood chain to support farming along the chain at a time when he said the future of French pig, beef and dairy cattle breeding was being put under. Read more...