World meat industry news

Russia’s Sistema, Lenta look to cooperate with Thailand

  • 24 May 12:42

Following up on recent initiatives taken by the Russian and Thai governments, an increasing number of Russian companies are looking to cooperate with their Thai counterparts. Sistema Group is looking for joint ventures with Thai companies in farming, seafood production, spa management and hospitals, Thai Commerce Minister Apiradi TantraporntoldThe Nationon May 23. Hypermarket chain Lenta plans to import Thai fruits and vegetables as well as hold in-store promotions for Thai food products, Tantraporn told the paper. Russia and Thailand have set an annual bilateral trade target of. Read more...

Europe ‘not doing enough’ on Russian pork ban

  • 23 May 11:34

EU farming body Copa-Cogeca has called on the European Commission (EC) to step up efforts to reopen trade with Russia, as Europe’s pork. Read more...

Russians begin spending more on purchases from foreign online stores

  • 23 May 11:34

The first quarter of 2016 has seen Russian purchases from foreign internet stores total $1 billion as gains by the ruble in the last six months have seen consumer confidence pick up. But domestic internet retail growth lags more than 100% behind. Source: Vostock-Photo In the first quarter of 2016 Russians' purchases from foreign online stores totaled 70 billion rubles ($1 billion), which is 106 percent more in comparison with last year, according to AKIT, the Association of Internet Commerce Companies. In total the number of purchases increased almost threefold, by 182 percent. Surprisingly, the volume of purchases made from Russian online stores increased. Read more...

Russia developing pig production in Far East

  • 20 May 10:56

By 2020, Russia’s Far East should be self-sufficient for major agricultural projects, which includes pork. That was a promise made by Russian agriculture minister Alexandr Tkachyov when discussing future development ofRussia's Far Eastern Federal District. The aim can be reached with unprecedented levels of state support, as well as relatively advantageous climate conditions. Historically, Russia's Far East has been importing pork from other regions of the country. The area consists of 9 regions in the east of Russia. The district is the largest within Russia, covering 6.1 million km2 or 36% out of total Russian territory. The area's overall. Read more...

Thailand’s CP Foods, RDIF to invest $1 bln in dairy complex

  • 20 May 10:55

A consortium comprising of Thai conglomerate Charoen Pokphand Group (C.P. Group), China’s Banner Infant Dairy Products (Banner Dairy) and the Russian Direct Investment Fund (RDIF) will invest about $1 billion for the establishment of a dairy complex in Russia, RFID said on May 18. The complex, which will be Russia's largest integrated dairy complex, will be located in the Ryazan Region. A memorandum to establish the complex was signed on May 18 in St. Petersburg in the presence of Russian Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev and his Thai. Read more...

Russians now spending half of their income on food

  • 19 May 14:34

Rising poverty levels due to a decline in real income are increasingly forcing Russians to go without non-essential goods. Experts do not see any potential for improvement in the situation in the near future. The number of poor Russians who had begun economizing on goods and services had increased to 89%. Source: Alexander Ryumin/TASS As real incomes continue to contract in Russia amid an ongoing economic slump, spending on foodstuffs is taking up a larger and larger part of the average citizen’s budget. In February 2016, for the first timein eight years, food and alcohol, along with tobacco products, were the main part (50.1 percent). Read more...

Boss Hog: The French banker who became a leading Russian pig farmer

  • 19 May 14:32

One French entrepreneur has combined Danish technology with government subsidies to create a high-tech pig breeding farm in central Russia. RBTH spoke to Hoffman and found out how he took advantage of a state program aimed at developing Russia’s agricultural sector. According to Hoffmann, Russia will become one of the world's largest pork exporters in just five years. Source: David Maddison/ In 2005, Patrick Hoffmann, an investment banker from France, decided to start a pig farm in Russia. Hoffmann had moved to the country in 2001 at the invitation of the French company Belgogen, which was engaged in breeding pigs in central Russia’s. Read more...

New ASF Outbreak Reported on Ukrainian Pig Farm

  • 18 May 09:05

A new outbreak of African Swine Fever (ASF) has been reported on a backyard pig farm in Hyrchychna village. In total, seven cases were reported out of. Read more...

Mapped: The countries that eat the most meat

  • 18 May 09:00

To mark National Vegetarian Week, we're looking beyond UK borders to map the countries around the world that consume the most - and the least - meat. It will come as no surprise to discover that the biggest guzzlers of animal flesh are our American cousins. US residents consume, on average, 120.2 kilos of meat each year, according to 2009 figures (the latest comprehensive statistics we were able to obtain) from the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations. That compares with 84.2 kilos scoffed by Britons, 63.5 kilos by its Mexican neighbours, 25.8 kilos by natives of Thailand, and just 4.4 kilos by Indian citizens. The 10 countries that. Read more...

Brazil Pork Exports Continue to Grow - Less Dependence on Russia

  • 17 May 13:12

Brazilian exports of pork, considering all products (fresh and processed) totaled 62,000 tons in April, 47.2 per cent higher than in the same period last year. According to the Brazilian Association of Animal Protein (ABPA), in foreign exchange earnings, the balance of April shipments reached US $110.5 million, 17.6 per cent higher than the number recorded in the same month last year. In four months, growth is 20.6 per cent, to $385.5 million. "The good performance of exports has reduced the impacts caused by domestic economic situation in Brazil, reducing the domestic supply of products. We are still in a critical situation, with high production costs. Read more...