World meat industry news

EU Commits Millions to Combat Animal Diseases in 2016

  • 15 Jan 11:27

The EU has committed close to €161 million to support eradication, control and surveillance programmes that aim to eliminate animal diseases and zoonoses as well as further strengthen the protection of human and animal health. Given the serious impact that animal disease outbreaks can have on human health, but also on economy and trade, the allocation of EU co-financing will continue to assist national authorities in putting in place precautionary measures, disease surveillance and eradication programmes, at national and European level. Overall, 130 programmes have been selected for EU funding under the Regulation 652/2014 on the management of the expenditure in. Read more...

Russia-Japan trade volume down 30 pct in 2015

  • 15 Jan 11:24

The volume oftrade betweenRussia and Japan has diminished byalmost 30 percent in the first ten months of 2015, Sputnik NewscitedRussian lower house speaker Sergei Naryshkin as saying. “In the sphere oftrade and economic cooperation, we are going throughdifficult times,” Naryshkin said duringa meeting withMasahiko Komura, vice president ofJapan's ruling Liberal Democratic Party, according to the report. “Over the last year, withinthe first ten months oflast year, the volume oftrade betweenour countries reduced significantly, byvirtually 30 percent.” Komura is in Moscow. Read more...

Brazil's Ag Exports at Record Levels in 2015

  • 14 Jan 10:21

The amount of soybeans, corn, fresh chicken, coffee and pulp sold abroad in 2015 registered a record for Brazil's agribusiness trade. This information was released on Monday by Secretary of International Relations of the Ministry of Agriculture (MAPA), Tatiana Palermo. The export volume of soybeans rose 19 per cent compared to 2014 and reached 54.32 million tons, the largest amount ever recorded. The other record holders are soybean meal, with 14.8 million tons sold abroad (8 per cent increase); corn, which reached 28.9 million tons (40 per cent growth); coffee, with 2.09 million ton (+1 per cent), chicken meat, with 3.89 million tons (+7 per cent) and. Read more...

Canada Market Report

  • 14 Jan 10:19

As we close the books on 2015 it is always good to review. Then I will attempt the “fool’s errand” of what 2016 may hold, writes Bob Fraser – Sales & Service, Genesus Ontario. First the review: At the start of 2015 the industry was coming off the euphoria of the “Year of the Pig Farmer” with 2014 margins being beyond even the wildest of dreams. The thought probably was somewhat “no good deed goes unpunished”. So there would be some payback in 2015. I highlighted this in my commentary at the start of 2015 with this observation. “I believe this has been perhaps the main governor on expansion in Canada. It would. Read more...

2016 Begins – Observations

  • 13 Jan 12:22

As we begin 2016 and look towards the New Year, we find ourselves wondering what the future is in hog markets and profitability. 2 years ago now we predicted 2014 – The Year of the Pig Farmer. We believed record profits were coming and 2014 did have record profits. For 2016 we see a grinding year with some profits but mostly lots of work and lots of challenging scenarios. Our Observations If we look at current 2016 lean futures and cost of production we come up with a potential profit of $15 per head. Not bad but not a mortgage lifter. The current profit scenario is not going to stimulate significant expansion. The December 1st USDA Hogs and. Read more...

Ukraine Bans Russian Meat Imports In Retaliation

  • 13 Jan 12:20

The Ukrainian government has decided to ban imports of food products, including meat, from Russia. The move is a response to the embargo placed by Moscow on Ukrainian food imports, according to Kiev. "Ukraine exits the free trade area with Russia, raises duties on all goods and puts a trade embargo on all food products manufactured in the Russian Federation, as well as on car building and engineering products," said Ukrainian Prime Arseniy Yatsenyuk, according to a statement released by the country’s government. "We are taking countermeasures. We didn’t start this war, meanwhile the aggressor will be punished.” The ban came into force. Read more...

US consumers mistaken over poultry industry

  • 12 Jan 10:59

Nearly 80% of Americans mistakenly believe that chicken contains added hormones or steroids, when in fact no chicken sold or raised in the US is given hormones or steroids. This is one of the findings of a National Chicken Council (NCC) survey on consumers’ perceptions about chicken production. According to the survey, 68% of Americans believe that the media portrays the care of chicken negatively, highlighting the need for chicken producers to engage in more conversations with consumers about where their chicken comes from. In an effort to recognise and respond to these concerns, NCC has launchedChicken Check In, which provides real answers to. Read more...

Brazilian poultry industry 
too big to fail

  • 12 Jan 10:58

Is the Brazilian poultry industry too big to fail? Different large groups are buying up Brazilian poultry companies, be it in US dollars or Euros. These are not limited to poultry production but also pork and red meat companies all over the world. If adding this all together and only for this on-going year, it amounts to billions of US dollars. Here is a good question with not a very clear answer - who is financing these take-overs and in which currency? Brazil definitely needs exports to not only pay for these acquisitions but also for the very much needed modernisation and automation of poultry production facilities. The new techniques and automation needed to. Read more...

More ASF Reported in Ukrainian Pigs

  • 11 Jan 13:56

Three new outbreaks of African Swine Fever (ASF) have been reported in village pigs. In total, 44 cases were reported in village and backyard. Read more...

Russia’s food exports continue to grow – but where are they going?

  • 11 Jan 13:55

In spite of the sanctions and its own food embargo against the West, Russia remains one of the world's largest exporters of agricultural products, delivering them to 140 countries. At year-end, Russian food exports for 2015 could reach $20 billion. The basis of the Russian agricultural exports is formed by crops, vegetable oil, meat, poultry, fish and seafood. Source: Reuters In 2015, agricultural exports from Russia could reach $20 billion, which is $5 billion more than in the previous year, the Russian Ministry of Agriculture has estimated, based on statistical data for the first three quarters. More than two thirds of Russia's exports of. Read more...