World meat industry news

3 different swine flu strains on pig farms

  • 22 Jan 11:15

There have been 3 separate strains of influenza A virus (IAV) detected in animal and environmental samples taken from 6 swine farms in US states of Minnesota and Iowa with suspected flu outbreaks. This was reported in a study by researchers from the University of Minnesota, USA, published in the scientific journal PLoS One. Indirect transmission is poorly understood In their motivation, the researchers write, "Indirect transmission of influenza A virus (IAV) in swine is poorly understood and information is lacking on levels of environmental exposure encountered by swine and people during outbreaks of IAV in swine barns. We characterised viral. Read more...

5 steps to motivate 

  • 22 Jan 11:14

Every successful manager knows that a motivated employee is a productive employee. The key to motivating employees is to create an internal drive in the employee's mind to carry out their duties at the most optimal manner that is 
consistent with the objective of maximising 
the profitability of the operation. But is it really possible to motivate employees to care about the operation and their job duties at such a high level? The answer is yes, but the right strategies must be developed and implemented by management. Of course, we are all aware that the field of motivating employees is a large one with many varying opinions and philosophies. Every manager in. Read more...

Ukraine Lifts Ban on Imports of EU Beef, Veal

  • 21 Jan 10:52

Ukraine has lifted its longstanding beef trade restrictions relating to BSE in cattle.Exports of bone-in beef and beef from all EU Member States to Ukraine are now allowed as Ukraine has recognised the EU single system of control on BSE, and the official sanitary status of EU Member States based on the BSE risk category of the World Animal Health Organisation (OIE) for imports. This trade-facilitating measure follows closely the entry into force (1st January 2016) of the Deep and Comprehensive Free Trade Agreement between Ukraine and the EU. The European Commission is looking forward to Ukraine agreeing to the required health certificate quickly so that real. Read more...

Japan, India top Asian investors in Russia

  • 21 Jan 10:51

Data released by the Eurasian Development Bank (EDB) revealed that China trailed behind rivals Japan and India when it comes to direct investment in Russia. As of the end of 2014, China was only the fourth biggest Asian investor in the Russian economy, having made cumulative direct investment of about $3.37 billion. Japan had invested $14.4 billion in Russia, while India had invested $3.6 billion. Turkey, which is considered an Asian country by EDB, invested about $5.7 billion. Accordingto a report titled‘EAEU and Eurasia: Monitoring and Analysis of Direct Investments,’ which was released in January 2016, the main recipient of Chinese direct. Read more...

Russia Hog Market Report

  • 20 Jan 12:06

The new year starts with a pig price of 96 Roubles per kg live ($1.28) meaning the majority of producers are making money, with some of the large integrators still making a lot of money, writes Simon Grey, Genesus. What does 2016 have in store for Russian pig producers. This will I think have a lot to do with the structure and ownership of each individual business. Fully integrated business that grow crops to feed pigs have a very low cash cost of production (even if on paper they lose money, if you put grain into pigs at cost of production then 96 Roubles sales price means you still have a business with very good cash flow)!! Russia has done its federal budget for 2016. Read more...

Davos experts warn Russia about threat of hyperinflation

  • 20 Jan 12:04

Being an energy superpower and possessing the second largest nuclear arsenal in the world, Russia will continue playing an active role in geopolitics, says a report based on a survey of 750 members of theWorld Economic Forumand published a week before the official opening of the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland on January 20. The report states: "After the annexation of Crimea no clear political solution to the current conflict in Eastern Ukraine can be seen on the horizon. The EU-U.S. sanctions in place against Russia combined with low oil prices have damaged the Russian economy, but still have not led to the expected political. Read more...

Russia ready for talks on Hong Kong- EAEU free trade area

  • 19 Jan 10:58

Russia is ready todiscuss the introduction ofa free trade zone betweentheEurasian Economic Union (EAEU) and Hong Kong, Russian Deputy Prime Minister Arkady Dvorkovich was cited by Sputnik News assaying. “We have recently reached the first agreement abouta free trade zone betweenthe Eurasian [Economic] Union and Vietnam, now we are engaged innegotiations withIsrael,” Dvorkovich said atthe Asian Financial Forum inHong Kong, according to the report. “We are ready todiscuss this issue withHong Kong.” The EAEU comprises of Russia, Belarus,. Read more...

USDA Reports: 2016 Output Up 1.9 Per Cent Over Last Year

  • 19 Jan 10:56

USDA released four reports last week with implications for the livestock and grain markets/Allendale Inc.’s chief strategist, Rich Nelson, shares highlights and what it means for the pig, cattle,poultry, corn, soybean and wheat markets. Hogs USDA's pork production estimate was increased by 35 million pounds this month on the supply/demand report. They now see 2016 output at 24.960 billion, 1.9 per cent over last year. With no change in imports or exports, US consumers will have 50.1 pounds per person waiting for them this year, which is 0.8 pounds over 2015. Don't forget, this is on top of the 7.1 pounds increase we shoved on. Read more...

The Russian pig ban – 2 years on

  • 18 Jan 16:28

What were the consequences of Russia’s ban on EU pigs, pork and specific pig products? The country stopped importing almost 2 years ago. Time to reflect. First things first – the ban. It all started in January 2014, when the first outbreaks of African Swine Fever (ASF) hit Lithuania and Poland. As a consequence, Russia decided to close its borders for pigs, pork and certain pig products. Just half a year later, the rest of the EU's agriculture also faced a trade ban with Russia. Due to rising geopolitical tensions over Ukraine, the EU and Russia embarked on a mutual agricultural trade ban, which hasn't been lifted to this. Read more...

New HPAI strain strikes US turkey farm

  • 18 Jan 16:27

The US is bracing itself for more avian influenza heartache following confirmation of a previously unseen strain of highly pathogenic H7N8 striking a commercial turkey farm in southern Indiana. The outbreak, which has prompted the culling of about 60,000 birds, is different than the one that caused more than 200 outbreaks in US poultry last year, according to the US Department of Agriculture (USDA) Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service (APHIS). Increased mortality in turkey flock Samples from the turkey flock, which experienced increased mortality, were tested at the Indiana Animal Disease Diagnostic Laboratory at Purdue University, which is a part. Read more...