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All news / A key panel session on global food security took place as part of SPIEF 2024

  • 10 Jun 2024, 11:14

With the support of the Russian Association of Fertilizer Manufacturers (RAPU), the key panel session of SPIEF 2024 “The Role of the BRICS States in Ensuring Global Food Security” was held.

The moderator of the discussion, Director of the Institute of African Studies of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Irina Abramova, pointed out the urgency of the problem of ensuring global food security in the modern world. According to the UN, 2 billion people in the world will be undernourished in 2023. Of these, 282 million were in hunger—almost all of them in the Global South.

EC General Director Veronika Nikishina listed Russia's three main tasks in the field of food security: providing food for its own population, exporting food and supplying technologies that will help countries provide themselves with food. At the same time, the export of agricultural products is “no alternative” for the further growth of the Russian agro-industrial complex. As high levels of self-sufficiency in products were achieved, each segment of the industry always switched to exports, added the head of the REC.

First Deputy Minister of Industry and Trade Vasily Osmakov said that Russia has everything necessary to ensure food sovereignty: fertilizers, plant protection products and agricultural machinery.

In the context of a growing world population, mineral fertilizers are a key factor in ensuring food sovereignty and global food security, emphasized RAPU President Andrey Guryev.

Andrey Guryev added that about 1.2 billion people in the countries of the Global South consume food grown with Russian fertilizers. Russian products account for 22% of all fertility vitamins used by local farmers.