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All news / Altai Territory: exports of poultry products to China continue to grow

  • 21 Nov 2023, 09:47

In recent years, the export of poultry products from the Altai Territory to China has increased significantly, which indicates a growing demand for high-quality poultry products. According to the latest data, since the beginning of 2023, more than 3.7 thousand tons of various poultry products have already been sent to China.

Thanks to high quality and strict control, Altai poultry enterprises were able to enter the Chinese market. One of these enterprises, included in the list of Russian companies that have undergone veterinary and sanitary inspection, successfully exports frozen chicken wings to China. Each batch of goods is carefully inspected by inspectors of the Rosselkhoznadzor Office for the Altai Territory and the Altai Republic, and also undergoes documentary and laboratory control. Based on the results of inspections, export veterinary certificates are issued confirming the products’ compliance with Chinese requirements.

Gradually, every year, the volume of exports of poultry products from the Altai Territory to China continues to grow. Since the beginning of 2023, 139 shipments of goods have already been shipped, including frozen chicken wings and legs, weighing a total of 3,753 tons. This is an important indicator of the development of the industry and indicates the trust of Chinese consumers in products produced in the Altai Territory.

The growth of exports of poultry products to China brings significant economic benefits to the Altai Territory. Increased export volumes help develop the local economy, create new jobs and attract investment in the poultry industry. In addition, product exports help strengthen trade ties between Russia and China, which is an important factor for both countries.

The growth in exports of poultry products from the Altai Territory to China indicates the high quality and competitiveness of products produced in the region. Strict control by Rosselkhoznadzor and the issuance of appropriate certificates confirm the safety and quality of goods. Prospects for further growth in the export of poultry products to China promise favorable conditions for the development of the poultry industry in the Altai Territory and the further strengthening of trade relations between Russia and China.