The country's veterinary authorities have reported an outbreak of African swine fever in Soroca.The World Organisation for Animal Health (OIE) received an immediate notification on Friday, 10 March. The outbreak was initially observed on 6 March and confirmed on 10 March after a real-time PCR test was carried out at the Republican Center for Veterinary Diagnosis.
According to the OIE, in a backyard with seven fattening pigs of around 100 kg each (seven months old), six pigs died from 6 to 9 March 2017 and the owner notified the Competent Authority on 8 March.
Six of the affcted animals had typical signs of African swine fever (anorexia, increased temperature and apathy) and while the remaining one pig showed no signs of symptoms.
Samples were taken from the dead pigs which showed signs of disease. Sampling was performed on 9 March 2017.
Results were received from the Republican Center for Veterinary Diagnosis on 10 March 2017; the samples were found positive using real-time PCR. On 10 March, the healthy pig was destroyed.
According to the OIE, Rublenita locality is situated on a highway of international importance, in the immediate vicinity of the border between Moldova and Ukraine.
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