World meat industry news

All news / Beef accounts for 16% of meat consumption in Russia

  • 29 Nov 2023, 10:55

At the same time, almost half of meat consumption comes from poultry, and slightly less from pork. Director of the Association of Meat Processors Ekaterina Luchkina announced this during the V Agro-Industrial Forum “Russian Milk 2023”, which took place in Suzdal, Vladimir Region.

In general, per capita consumption of meat and meat products in Russia has increased by 30% over several years and reached 80 kg per person in 2023.

It is significant that the demand for meat remains even with rising prices. Ekaterina Luchkina cited the results of a survey of buyers for whom quality and low price continue to be priorities, and purchases are becoming more planned.

The speaker predicts tougher competition in the meat processing market: between product categories, between players, in retail, with new product categories.

The expert also touched upon the topic of competition with analogue meat products, which require fewer resources and, accordingly, are cheaper. According to various estimates, the share of the Russian plant protein market could reach 10-15% of the global figure as early as 2030.

The speaker named a number of industrial risks that remain in 2023 for the domestic meat processing industry. Thus, according to the survey, 53% of market players associate the main risk with interruptions in the supply of raw materials for production and/or the rising cost of raw materials (over three years the increase was 58%). 51% of respondents reported problems with delivery of goods to the distribution center/outlet and/or rising logistics costs (43%). 35% of business representatives are concerned about changes in consumer habits and redistribution of demand (40%)

Among the challenges that the industry is currently experiencing, Ekaterina Luchkina also noted a “lack of positions for cutting meat” and a shortage of personnel.

According to the expert, there also remains a risk of inconsistency between manufacturers' selling prices against the backdrop of rising prices for consumed resources, which leads to increased costs.

Ekaterina Luchkina cited statistics according to which over the past five years, the export of semi-finished meat products has increased by 59%, the export of sausages by 26%, which indicates the development of supplies abroad.

“I have good news about the start of pork supplies to China. Import restrictions continued for almost 10 years. There is a certain admission procedure, but we think that from the beginning of next year, deliveries will begin, perhaps a little earlier,” the speaker added.

The expert recalled that from September 21, 2023, Russian Government Decree No. 1538 “On the rates of export customs duties on goods exported from the Russian Federation outside the customs territory of the Eurasian Economic Union, and on amendments to the rates of export customs duties on goods exported” came into force from the Russian Federation outside the customs territory of the Eurasian Economic Union.”

“The rates apply to exports to non-CIS countries, outside the Eurasian Union, that is, they will not affect exports to Belarus, Armenia, Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan,” clarified Ekaterina Luchkina.

According to her, the basis for calculating the duty will be the customs value of the goods, and its size will depend on the dollar-ruble exchange rate: 0% for an exchange rate of less than 80 rubles. per dollar, 4% at an exchange rate of 80-85 rubles, 4.5% at an exchange rate of 85-90 rubles, 5.5% at an exchange rate of 90-95 rubles and 7% if the dollar is more expensive than 95 rubles.