World meat industry news

All news / Exchange trading of pork has begun in Russia

  • 26 Jun 2024, 10:05

Last Friday, the first auctions for the sale of pork were held in Russia on the basis of the National Commodity Exchange (NTB, part of the Moscow Exchange Group). This is reported on the NTB website.

We are talking about frozen and chilled pork carcasses (GOST 7269-2015). The auction was organized by Dymovskoye Sausage Production LLC, and the winner was Tambov Bacon LLC. As a result of the auction, 52.5 tons of these products were purchased at an average price of 170 rubles per kilogram. This cost includes value added tax (VAT). .A successful purchase demonstrates interest in the new product on the part of Russian market participants and speaks of the prospects for the development of exchange trading in meat and its processed products, the report says.

In the future, NTB did not rule out that the exchange price of these products could be used as one of the price indicators. The platform allows you to directly participate in auctions, receive real-time information about prices for goods, transactions on them, as well as supply and demand for these products and trading volume.