World meat industry news

All news / For the first half of 2024, Rosselkhoznadzor recorded an increase in export volumes of meat and dairy products

  • 12 Jul 2024, 10:55

According to the information systems of Rosselkhoznadzor “VetIS” and “Argus-Fito”, according to the results of six months of 2024, compared to the same period last year, Russian producers increased the volume of supplies abroad of both livestock, plant and fruit and vegetable products.

Export of livestock products for the first half of 2024

The largest volumes of supplies fall on meat and meat products – 365.7 thousand tons.

In particular, exports of meat and poultry by-products amount to 172.4 thousand tons. 73.7 thousand tons were supplied to China, 29.7 thousand tons to Saudi Arabia, and 18.8 thousand tons to Kazakhstan.

92.1 thousand tons of Russian pork were exported abroad. To Belarus - 40.9 thousand tons, to Vietnam - 18.7 thousand tons, and for the first time in a long time, 8.4 thousand tons of this type of meat were exported to China.

The supply of food by-products of small and large livestock, pigs accounts for 29.1 thousand tons. 20 thousand tons were shipped to Vietnam, 5.4 thousand tons to China.

Exports of finished meat products amount to 41.5 thousand tons. A significant share falls on Kazakhstan – 25.8 thousand tons; in addition, Belarus, Azerbaijan and Armenia are among the main buyers.

More than 19 thousand tons of beef were shipped. The main buyer is China – 9.2 thousand tons. Exports to Saudi Arabia increased by 1.9 times, reaching 2.6 thousand tons, to Belarus by 4.9 times to 2.1 thousand tons, and by 2 times to Uzbekistan - to 1.4 thousand tons.

Supplies of dairy products increased 1.2 times from 72.1 thousand tons to 92 thousand tons. The largest volume was shipped to Kazakhstan – 48 thousand tons. Exports to Belarus, Kyrgyzstan and Uzbekistan remain stable.

The export of milk, dry and condensed cream increased 1.3 times - from 11.4 thousand tons to 15.2 thousand tons. The supply of milk and uncondensed cream also increased, 17.1 thousand tons were shipped during the specified period, and cheese - 12 thousand tons.

934.5 thousand tons of fish and seafood were exported. A significant share of exports fell to China - 554 thousand tons, the Republic of Korea - 204.8 thousand tons, the Netherlands - 53.7 thousand tons.

Deliveries of live animals amounted to 174.1 thousand tons. Thus, 77.9 thousand heads of live pigs were shipped to Georgia (indicators increased 1.2 times compared to the same period last year), 17.1 thousand heads of cattle were shipped to Azerbaijan (2 times increase), and also 20.3 thousand heads of small cattle to Lebanon (3.6 times increase).