Kyrgyzstan has witnessed an increase of 2.1% for its meat production in 2018 compared to the previous year, according to the country's Ministry of Agriculture and Food Industry.
According to the recent data, overall, all categories of economic entities in Kyrgyzstan produced 403.3 thousand tonnes of meat in live weight in 2018.
The increase in meat production was mainly based on the increase in livestock and poultry numbers, as reported by Tazabek.
The number of cattle increased by 3.1% compared to 2017, sheep and goats - by 0.9%, pigs - by 2.2%, horses - by 3% and poultry - by 4.2%.
The number of cattle reached 1.6 million head, the sheep and goat population totaled 6.1 million head, the pig herd - 51 thousand head, while the poultry numbers were up to 6 million birds.
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