ABH Miratorg, No. 1 pig producer in Russia, and Bryansk region concluded the investment agreement, providing for investments amounting to 2.44 billion rubles into development of pig-breeding project in the region with production capacity of 6.4 thousand of breeding sows. The agreement was signed within the framework of VIII Slavic International Economic Forum in Bryansk.
Miratorg is the largest investor into agro-industrial sector of Bryansk region: company’s cumulative investment exceeds 96 billion roubles. More than 10 thousand workplaces with respectable salary of 35 thousand rubles were created within the framework of poultry and cattle breeding projects. Further development of the agribusiness holding is related to increase of processing depth of agricultural products and start of pig breeding project.
New farms in Suzemka region are the integral part of transregional project of doubling production capacity of pig-breeding division of Miratorg up to 1 million tons of pork in life weight a year, what will allow to practically meet the requirement of Russia in importation of chilled pork. In 2018 the agribusiness holding and government of Bryansk region have signed the agreement providing investment of 3,8 billion rubles into the development of the project for construction in the territory of the region of two pig-breeding complexes for 6800 breeding sows with total capacity of 26 thousand tons of commercial pork a year. The new agreement is the result of further implementation of the strategy for expansion of production of high value-added agricultural products. It provides construction of two automatically-controlled pig complexes with a capacity of 6400 breeding sows ensuring production of commercial pork when the estimated capacity of 25 thousand tons per year will be reached.
Implementation of investment project will allow creating more than 90 workplaces for local citizens and will ensure growth of tax revenues up to 65 million rubles into the budgets of all levels, including 35 million rubles into the local budget per year. The most up-to-date technologies and advanced expertise of global leaders in pig breeding will be used in construction of complexes allowing not only to achieve high efficiency of production but also to minimize the impact on environment.
“Bryansk region is the key area for implementation of Miratorg’s strategy for supplying of consumers with high quality and safe meat for a reasonable price. The support of the government of the Russian Federation and government of the Bryansk region made it possible to create the unique vertically-integrated infrastructure for production of poultry meat and marbled beef. The region allows for investors to create modern production, develop real economy. The first pig-breeding complexes in Sevsk and Suzemka regions will be put into operation before the end of 2019. Construction of two more farms is scheduled on 2020. New workplaces will be located primarily in a rural area allowing to local citizens to work on their native soil at high-tech enterprises and getting social security and declared salary”, Miratorg’s press service commented.
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