According to Dmitry Rylko, General Director of IKAR, the Rosstat does not have accurate data on livestock and milk production in the country. This opinion was expressed by the expert during the conference of DeLaval, writes The DairyNews.
"No one knows exactly how much milk is produced in Russia, - said Dmitry Rylko.- According to official data, milk production is 31 million tons. At the same time, the agricultural census of 2016 found in private smallholders 500 thousand heads of cattle less than it was considered earlier. We think that this is only part of the truth, milk production and number of livestock in private smallholders are even less. We estimate the production of marketable milk at 19 million tons".
The general trend in the development of the Russian dairy market, according to Dmitry Rylko, is a rapid increase in production against the backdrop of a serious decline in the number of livestock at agricultural organizations.
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