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All news / Prices for meat products in Russia continue to rise: analysis and forecasts

  • 25 Mar 2024, 09:51

In Russia, there is a steady increase in prices for meat products, and over the year they increased by 10 percent. This information is confirmed by data received from the Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation. Average consumer prices for meat and its various types continue to rise, impacting family budgets and consumption habits.

Particularly noticeable is the increase in the cost of boneless beef, which is the most expensive type of meat on the market. Over the year, the price for it increased from 662 to 734 rubles per kilogram. This is due to several factors, including rising production and transportation costs, as well as changes in market supply and demand.

Boneless lamb also increased in price significantly, increasing from 544 to 673 rubles per kilogram. This type of meat experienced the most significant price increase among all meat products. The reasons for this increase may be limited supply and increased demand for lamb, as well as seasonal factors affecting production.

However, not all types of meat products have risen in price so significantly. For example, prices for dumplings, manti and ravioli changed by less than 5%, amounting to 388 rubles per kilogram compared to last year, when they cost 364 rubles. This may be due to competition in the market and maintaining relative price stability for these products.

Chicken remains the most affordable type of meat product. Over the year, prices for it have remained virtually unchanged and average 219 rubles per kilogram. This may be due to higher production levels and a wider variety of chicken products on the market.

Analysts believe that the rise in prices for meat products will continue in the future. This is due to a number of factors, including inflation, increased production and transportation costs, and changes in market supply and demand. Consumers must be prepared for further increases in the cost of meat products and take steps to adapt their purchasing habits.