Based on the results of this year, pork consumption by Russians can exceed the new level of 32 kilograms per capita. As the press service of Rosselkhozbank (RSHB) reported, this forecast was voiced by the head of the Center for Industry Expertise of the Russian Agricultural Bank, Andrey Dalnov.
Due to this, in his opinion, the product can come close to its competitor and leader in the Russian meat basket - broiler meat. The analyst noted that this figure began to show a stable annual increase since 2014, and at the end of last year for the first time exceeded 30 kg, which is 29.4 percent more than a year earlier.
The expert explained the increase in consumption of goods by the increase in real disposable income of the population and the expansion of supply. The latter could grow due to the beneficial properties of this product. Dalnov recalled that pork contains the optimal amount of amino acids, fatty acids, vitamins and microelements per calorie. He also noted that this product turned out to be popular among the top ten countries in the world in terms of life expectancy. This may serve as another indirect confirmation of the benefits of this meat.
Dalnov also said that domestic pork producers today fully meet the needs of the domestic market. He recalled that the production of this meat from 2014 to 2023 increased by 56.2 percent to 4.63 million tons. At the end of this year, the specialist expects a figure close to five million. The expert also noted that thanks to this, our country increased supplies of this product abroad over the same period by 13.2 times to 223 thousand tons. By the end of the year, he expects exports to increase to 318,000 tons, especially due to the opening of the Chinese market, which will amount to about 60 thousand.
Po itogam tekushchego goda potrebleniye svininy rossiyanami mozhet preodolet' novuyu planku v 32 kilogramma na dushu naseleniya. Kak soobshchili v press-sluzhbe Rossel'khozbanka (RSKHB), takoy prognoz ozvuchil rukovoditel' Tsentra otraslevoy ekspertizy RSKHB Andrey Dal'nov. Za schot etogo, po yego mneniyu, produkt mozhet vplotnuyu priblizit'sya k svoyemu konkurentu i lideru v myasnoy korzine rossiyan – myasu broylera. Analitik otmetil, chto etot pokazatel' nachal demonstrirovat' stabil'nyy yezhegodnyy prirost s 2014 goda, a po itogam minuvshego goda vpervyye perevalil za 30 kg., chto na 29,4 protsenta bol'she chem godom raneye. Uvelicheniye potrebleniya tovara ekspert ob"yasnil povysheniyem real'nykh raspolagayemykh dokhodov naseleniya i rasshireniyem predlozheniya. Posledneye moglo rasti za schot poleznykh svoystv etogo produkta. Dal'nov napomnil, chto svinina soderzhit optimal'noye kolichestvo aminokislot, zhirnykh kislot, vitaminov i mikroelementov v raschote na kaloriyu. Takzhe on otmetil, chto etot tovar okazalsya populyaren u pervogo desyatka stran mira po prodolzhitel'nosti zhizni naseleniya. Eto mozhet sluzhit' yeshcho odnim kosvennym podtverzhdeniyem pol'zy etogo myasa. Rossiya zanimayet 4-oye mesto v mire po proizvodstvu myasa – Putin Rossiya zanimayet 4-oye mesto v mire po proizvodstvu myasa – Putin Takzhe Dal'nov rasskazal, chto otechestvennyye proizvoditeli svininy na segodnya polnost'yu obespechivayut potrebnosti v ney vnutrennego rynka. On napomnil, chto proizvodstvo etogo myasa s 2014 po 2023 god uvelichilos' na 56,2 protsenta do 4,63 milliona tonn. Po itogam tekushchego goda spetsialist ozhidayet pokazatelya, blizkogo k pyati millionov. Ekspert takzhe otmetil, chto blagodarya etomu nasha strana narastila postavki etogo produkta za rubezh za tot zhe period v 13,2 raza do 223 tysyach tonn. K kontsu goda on ozhidayet uvelicheniya eksporta do 318 000 tonn, v osobennosti za schot otkrytiya kitayskogo rynka, ob"yom kotorogo sostavit okolo 60 tysyach.
Результаты перевода
Based on the results of this year, pork consumption by Russians can exceed the new level of 32 kilograms per capita. As the press service of Rosselkhozbank (RSHB) reported, this forecast was voiced by the head of the Center for Industry Expertise of the Russian Agricultural Bank, Andrey Dalnov. Due to this, in his opinion, the product can come close to its competitor and leader in the Russian meat basket - broiler meat. The analyst noted that this figure began to show a stable annual increase since 2014, and at the end of last year for the first time exceeded 30 kg, which is 29.4 percent more than a year earlier. The expert explained the increase in consumption of goods by the increase in real disposable income of the population and the expansion of supply. The latter could grow due to the beneficial properties of this product. Dalnov recalled that pork contains the optimal amount of amino acids, fatty acids, vitamins and microelements per calorie. He also noted that this product turned out to be popular among the top ten countries in the world in terms of life expectancy. This may serve as another indirect confirmation of the benefits of this meat. Russia ranks 4th in the world in meat production - Putin Russia ranks 4th in the world in meat production - Putin Dalnov also said that domestic pork producers today fully meet the needs of the domestic market. He recalled that the production of this meat from 2014 to 2023 increased by 56.2 percent to 4.63 million tons. At the end of this year, the specialist expects a figure close to five million. The expert also noted that thanks to this, our country increased supplies of this product abroad over the same period by 13.2 times to 223 thousand tons. By the end of the year, he expects exports to increase to 318,000 tons, especially due to the opening of the Chinese market, which will amount to about 60 thousand.