Russia and China are negotiating mutual certification of organic products. To date, two pilot producers (one from each side) in the field of crop production and livestock production have already been selected to take part in the project.Deputy head of Roskachestvo Elena Sarattseva spoke about this during a working trip to China, TASS reports.
She noted that today, in order to enter the Chinese market, Russian organic producers are required to undergo double certification - both in Russia and in China, with inspectors visiting production, sampling, laboratory tests, etc. Similar requirements are imposed on Chinese manufacturers when entering the Russian market. All this causes difficulties and makes certification a very expensive procedure.
Last year, the Russian government approved a strategy for the development of organic production until 2030, one of the directions of which is the mutual recognition of Russian certificates, Elena Saratseva clarified.
“This is exactly what we talked about with our partners from China, namely, to simplify the certification process at least within a single procedure,” said Elena Saratseva.
If it is possible to achieve mutual recognition of organic certificates, this will significantly simplify the entry of companies into the markets of the two countries.
Note that despite the enormous popularity of organic products in China, only 220 foreign organic brands are registered there. This opens up good opportunities for Russian exporters: mutual recognition of organic certificates will give them a tangible competitive advantage.
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