In 2019, Russian livestock farms bought 45 thousand head of cattle for dairy complexes in the EU countries, Bloomberg reports.
Such a significant purchase cost a total of 100 million euros. Russia acquires pedigree cattle for meat and dairy production abroad. And from year to year the volume of purchases is growing. So, in 2016, heifers for the dairy industry were bought only in Europe for 50 million euros.
Judging by the indicators, Russia will become the main importer of European cattle this year. Experts call this an attempt to increase milk production in the country. However, this also indicates a high degree of dependence of Russian livestock on imported breeding material.
However, the Russian authorities still have plans to increase the production of dairy products and even arrange their supplies to China. To realize what was planned, the agro-industrial complex is building a whole system of state support through soft loans, subsidies and other types of assistance.
The poultry and pig breeding industries in Russia are able to provide domestic demand and even go global with their products. But dairy production will still need state support for a long time.
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