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All news / Russia has adapted to the departure of foreign manufacturers of veterinary drugs

  • 07 Jun 2024, 11:15

The Russian market has fully adapted to the departure of foreign manufacturers of veterinary drugs. The head of Rosselkhoznadzor Sergei Dankvert said this in an interview with NTV channel within the framework of the St. Petersburg International Economic Forum (SPIEF-2024).

The head of the department said that domestic specialized enterprises are already increasing production three to four times. According to him, they “finally realized that they need to develop their own.” He noted that Russian manufacturers were able to increase production in just a year. Dankvert expects this figure to increase by the end of the year. Earlier, the department reported that over the past year, domestic enterprises increased the production of veterinary vaccines in exact numbers by three billion doses or up to 19.3 billion.

The head of Rosselkhoznadzor also said that Russia was able to find alternative suppliers in advance that had already replaced the lost volumes. We are talking about countries in Southeast Asia and two from Latin America (Argentina and Brazil). “The market that foreigners gave away, they will no longer be able to get back,” Dankvert concluded the topic.