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All news / Russia ranks 4th in the global meat production - Putin

  • 10 Jun 2024, 11:15

Today, Russia ranks fourth in the world in the production of meat products. According to Interfax, the country's President Vladimir Putin presented such data during his speech at the plenary session of the St. Petersburg International Economic Forum (SPIEF-2024).

The head of state did not announce specific figures. Over the past year, according to Rosstat and some analysts, our country produced 16 million tons of meat from large and small livestock, as well as pork and poultry. In slaughter weight this is just over 11 million. This year, according to plans, the figure should increase by another two to three percent. The President also drew attention to the fact that our country is already fully self-sufficient in meat. And its consumption within the country over the past year, according to Putin, updated the record and exceeded 80 kilograms per year per person. He noted that this is no less than 37 kg. more than the world average. Earlier, the head of the Center for Industry Expertise of Rosselkhozbank, Andrei Dalnov, predicted that this year the figure would increase to 83.


Putin also noted that our country is increasing the export of these products. In physical terms, only data from the Argus state information system owned by Rosselkhoznadzor is available at the end of December last year. At that time, according to them, our country exported 154.4 thousand tons (six percent more year-on-year) of pork to 14 countries, 10.3 thousand (11 times higher) of lamb to seven countries, 301.7 thousand tons of meat poultry and two thousand tons of horse meat (2.2 times more) to a number of countries, as well as 70.6 thousand tons of finished meat products in 27. According to the head of the Institute for Agricultural Market Studies (IKAR), in monetary terms for last year, exports amounted to 1.8 billion dollars, and imports - 1.75. Let us also recall that Russia became a net exporter of the main categories of meat products (a term meaning that export volumes exceed imports - ROSNG) back in 2021.