World meat industry news

All news / Russian producers told about measures to curb rising egg prices

  • 06 Dec 2023, 11:29

Russian chicken egg producers are actively working to curb rising prices for their products and increase production volumes. Galina Bobyleva, General Director of the Russian Poultry Union (Rosptitsesoyuz), confirmed that poultry farmers are taking all possible measures in response to the instructions of Deputy Prime Minister of the Russian Federation Victoria Abramchenko.

According to Rosstat, prices for chicken eggs and chicken meat in Russia have increased significantly over the current year. To cope with the imbalance in the market and meet growing demand, the government has developed a set of measures aimed at supporting producers and increasing supply in the domestic market.

One of the important steps is to agree on a plan for additional production expansion with the main chicken meat producers. This will increase supply and stabilize prices. It is also planned to expand the areas of targeted use of preferential investment loans for broiler production.

Together with the Ministry of Industry and Trade, work is being done to encourage manufacturers and retail chains to enter into long-term supply contracts. This helps ensure predicted production volumes and stable retail prices.

In addition, the FAS Russia conducts inspections of manufacturers to ensure compliance with antimonopoly laws and prevent possible violations.

All these measures are aimed at ensuring the stability and availability of chicken eggs on the market. Producers are actively cooperating with the government to meet the needs of the population and curb rising prices for poultry products.