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All news / SPIEF-2024: key news from the agricultural industry

  • 07 Jun 2024, 11:13

The XXVII St. Petersburg International Economic Forum is taking place on June 5-8 in St. Petersburg. At the event, among other things, issues of development of the agro-industrial complex are discussed and important agreements are concluded. We tell you the most interesting things.


Deputy Prime Minister Dmitry Patrushev said that last year revenue from agricultural exports reached $43.5 billion.

The target for 2030 is more than $55 billion.

According to the official, Russia will remain a key supplier of grain and vegetable oils.

It is important to maintain positions and increase supplies to the countries of Southeast Asia, Africa and Latin America.

The PRC and Russia plan to increase the volume of supplies of Russian grain within the framework of a previously signed agreement on a new land grain corridor. Chinese Ambassador to Russia Zhang Hanhui stated this to RIA Novosti.

According to Veronika Nikishina, General Director of the Russian Export Center (REC), the share of agricultural products in the structure of Russian exports in 2023 increased from 7% to 10%. Driver: grains. TASS writes about this.

The Chairman of the Central Bank of Venezuela, Calixto Jose Ortega Sanchez, noted that Venezuela buys Russian grain for rubles.

The head of the Russian Association of Fertilizer Manufacturers (RAPU), Andrey Guryev, said that at the end of 2023, fertilizer exports to India increased 1.5 times - to 5.4 million tons, to Brazil - to 9.4 million tons (+20% year-on-year by year).

Shipments to Africa have doubled over the past five years to reach 1.6 million tonnes in 2023.

RAPU also proposes to abandon quotas for the export of fertilizers, because their extension complicates production planning and capacity utilization.



Blago Group of Companies plans to invest more than 2 billion rubles in the development of its Voronezh production sites until 2026. The money will be used to increase processing and storage capacities for oilseeds. As part of the SPIEF, a cooperation agreement was signed between the regional Government and the company.

The government of the Samara region has entered into a cooperation agreement with the EFKO company. The plans include the modernization of the Togliatti food processing plant, which will increase capacity by 1.5 times - up to 3 thousand tons per day.

Gazprom Neft and Ecoway have agreed to jointly develop, certify and produce low-carbon motor fuel for marine vessels and aviation transport. Raw material: vegetable oil.

Atlantis Group of Companies will build a large dairy farm in the Kaliningrad region. Capacity - up to 219 thousand tons of raw milk per year.

JSC Chelyabinsk Poultry Farm is investing 2 billion rubles in modernization. The project will be completed in the spring of 2025. As a result, the production of chicken eggs should increase by 140 million pieces, to 880 million pieces.