By July 1 the number of cattle in farms of all categories in Russia was estimated at 19.2 million heads, which is 0.3% higher than the figure for the same date in 2019. This was reported by Rosstat. The number of cows by the beginning of the reporting month increased by 0.4% to 8.1 million heads, pigs - by 5.3% to 26.8 million heads, poultry - by 0.3%, to 563.4 million heads. At the same time, the number of sheep and goats decreased by 0.8%. Read more...
The bulk of applications for certification of organic products comes from manufacturers in the field of crop production (including mushroom farms) and livestock, told the deputy head of Roskachestva Elena Sarattseva. In the third place in the number of applications for an organic certificate are processing products, said Elena Sarattseva. "Beekeepers are less likely to declare, there is not a single application for aquaculture," said the representative of the Roskachestvo. Applications for certification came from Mordovia, Crimea, Kaluga, Orel and Smolensk regions, as well as from the Krasnodar Territory, Krasnoyarsk, Ulyanovsk, Tambov and Penza. Since. Read more...
The House of Representatives intends to consider amendments to the law on identification, registration, and traceability of farm animals, identification and traceability of animal products in the first reading during its spring session, BelTA learned from member of the Permanent Commission for Agrarian Policy Aleksandr Levchuk. The bill proposes to expand the list of animals subject to identification, registration, and traceability in the national information system. The list currently includes all cattle, sheep, goats, horses, and pigs. After the amendments come into force, fur animals, birds, fish and other aquatic animals will be added to the list. According. Read more...
The Rosselkhoznadzor developed and sent to the Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation a package of amendments to the law “On Veterinary Medicine”. The bill regulates the use of antibiotics in livestock and poultry production. If amendments are adopted, control over the use of antibiotics in Russian agriculture will be tightened. “It contains a ban on the use of antimicrobials as growth stimulants, as well as for preventive purposes. Prescription antibiotic rates have been determined. It is also planned to introduce an entire article regulating the manufacture of feed with the addition of drugs, ” the head of Rosselkhoznadzor. Read more...
The press service of Miratorg Agribusiness Holding announced the launch of the first stage of a sheep-breeding complex in the Tula region. The holding is completing the construction of production buildings. The first batch of animals was brought to the farm. The main strategic tasks of Miratorg, the Russian leader in the production of main types of meat, are to fully satisfy domestic demand and increase the export potential of high-quality domestic meat products. Now, at the enterprises of a vertically integrated agro-industrial holding, all stages of the production of pork, beef, pink veal and poultry have been implemented. A pilot project for the production of. Read more...
195 Holstein breed heifers from Denmark arrived on the island on November 13 to replenish the livestock complex of Green Agro-Sakhalin LLC. Cattle arrived direct flight from Copenhagen by Boeing 747. Immediately after passing through the mandatory procedures with the border service and the Rosselkhoznadzor, the cattle was loaded into tracks and taken to a farm in the village of Troitsky. Here the animals will be kept in quarantine for a month, and then will be included in the main herd of the company. The company "Green Agro Sakhalin" implements an investment project of a livestock complex with a total number of dairy herd of 3800 heads. As part of the. Read more...
According to the results of ten months of 2019, the Kursk region closed the TOP-5 leaders in meat production among the Russian regions and took the 4th place in the Central Federal District, the KURSKCITY news agency reported citing data from the regional administration. Compared with the first half of the year, the status of the Kursk region in the Russian rating has increased by one position. The deputy governor Sergey Starodubtsev commented on the interim result. He noted that the meat industry in the region is steadily developing due to the commissioning and reaching the full capacity of livestock facilities built in recent years. In January-October,. Read more...
Cattle meat production declined in all regions of the Russian Federation. According to the Director General of the National Union of Beef Producers (NSPG) Roman Kostyuk, a precrisis situation has developed in this sector of the agro-industrial complex. In Siberia beef production in the commodity sector decreased by more than 10%. Some slaughterhouses stopped working due to the lack of cattle. The index of industrial supply of beef, calculated by Cherkizovo analysts, indicates that over the three quarters of 2019, it decreased by 4% year on year. The conclusion about the pre-crisis situation in the beef production sector was called into question by the head. Read more...
For 8 months of this year livestock and poultry production for slaughter (in live weight) amounted to 229.4 thousand tons in Penza agricultural organizations/ The production of milk amounted 115.6 thousand tons, eggs - 84.8 million pcs. Compared to the same period last year, meat production grew by 28%. At the same time, there was a tendency to reduce the production of milk (by 3%) and eggs (by 8.3%). The yield per cow in large, medium, small agricultural organizations (excluding farms and agricultural holdings) for 8 months of this year amounted to 4980 kg (9.7% higher than in the same period in 2018). The egg production of one layer hen is 164 eggs and that is. Read more...
As the Moscow Statistical Office (Rosstat) has now officially announced, a total of 25.5 mill. pigs were kept in Russia on 1 July 2019, 4.3% more than a year earlier. On the other hand, the keeping of other animal species declined. Compared to the previous year, the cattle herd was reduced by 0.8% to 19.2 mill. animals; the number of cows fell by 0.4% to 8.1 mill. In addition, the poultry population shrank by 1.6% to 563 mill. animals. The strongest decline was in sheep and goats, whose number fell by 4.2% to 25.3 mill. within a year. According to Rosstat, Russia's commercial meat production in the first half of 2019 totalled 6.8 mill. t live weight, a moderate. Read more...
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