In total, their list included 77 enterprises, whose total land fund increased to 18.5 million hectares, or 1.1 million from last year. This is already the 12th rating of such companies and agricultural holdings. It should be noted that for the first time in the history of the calculation, neither the composition nor the positions of the top ten leaders have changed. It was headed by one of the largest Russian agricultural holdings, Miratorg, with 1 million 221 thousand hectares. It is followed by the Kuban diversified holding “Agrocomplex named after. N.I. Tkacheva”, owning 1.126 million. Third place was taken by the sugar giant Prodimex owned by Igor Khudokormov, which owns 900 thousand hectares. The diversified company Rusagro took fourth place with 689,000. It closes the top five with 632 thousand hectares. one of the largest milk producers, Stefan Duerr's EkoNiva. Together, the five first companies provided a quarter of the land fund of the total 77 companies.
The sixth position (578 thousand hectares) was taken by the association of companies “Steppe” and RZ “Agro”. BIO-TON (550 thousand hectares) took seventh place, AGROINVEST Group (451 thousand) took eighth place, Avangard-Agro (444,000) took ninth place, and Sibagro closes the TOP 10 with 411 thousand. Over the year, Miratorg increased its land bank the most (by 116 thousand hectares), ASB Group of Companies (by 103 thousand) and AFG National (by 98 thousand). In turn, the Chistopolye company reduced its assets by 70 thousand hectares, Amuragrokompleks - 53 thousand and the Kuban agricultural holding Labinsky - by 24 thousand.
Three players left the rating: the Zarechnoye Group of Companies and the Komsomolets Plant, which were respectively sold to AFG National and the Goodness Foods Agro Fund, as well as the Ravis Agroholding, which today owns less than 100 thousand hectares. It included seven new companies with a total area of 990 thousand hectares.
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