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All news / Uzbekistan allows meat supplies from the USA

  • 20 Jun 2024, 09:31

Uzbekistan and the United States have announced a major new agreement that clears the way for U.S. meat shipments to Uzbekistan starting June 1, 2024. This decision became part of a strategy to diversify trade and investment relations between the two countries.

US Trade Representative Katherine Tai expressed satisfaction with the opportunity for US companies to export meat and chicken to Uzbekistan. This step emphasizes the importance of developing bilateral relations and supporting economic cooperation.

In addition, the parties confirmed their readiness to further diversify trade and investment ties. The American side expressed support for the efforts of the US Congress to update the Generalized System of Preferences (GSP) program, which promotes the diversity of Uzbekistan's exports.

It is important to note that Uzbekistan has also expressed interest in ending the application of the Jackson-Vanik Amendment. This temporary exemption from the amendment is subject to annual review by the US Congress, indicating a commitment to strengthening trade relations between the countries.

In addition, the parties discussed Uzbekistan’s accession to the World Trade Organization (WTO). The American side expressed full support for this process and promised to assist internal reforms in Uzbekistan aimed at compliance with trade rules and WTO principles.

This agreement is an important step in the development of trade relations between Uzbekistan and the United States, opening up new opportunities for economic cooperation and strengthening mutually beneficial relations between the two countries.