World meat industry news

Over 10 months, Russia produced 6.5 million tonnes of livestock and poultry meat

  • 19 Nov 12:52

Over 10 months, Russia produced 6.5 million tonnes of livestock and poultry meat.TASS reports that, according to Rosstat, the volume of meat production of all farms (except for poultry) for 10 months of 2020 increased by 11.4% year on year - up to 2.5 million tons. At the same time, the production of poultry meat in January-October decreased by 0.5% - to 4 million tons. The volume of production of semi-finished meat products during this period increased to 3.3 million tons (8.4%). Over 10 months, 2 million sausages were manufactured in Russia (+ 3.4% year-on-year) and 67 conventional cans of canned. Read more...

Russia is losing its position in the Vietnamese poultry meat market

  • 19 Nov 12:50

The information and analytical agency "IMIT", based on a report prepared for the three quarters of this year, reports that the volume of supplies of chicken meat from Russia to foreign markets for the considered period amounted 214.7 thousand tons, which is 56.7% (77.6 thousand tons) higher than the same indicator for the nine months of last year. In the structure of exports of poultry food products produced in Russia, the dominant positions were chicken legs, wings and whole carcasses of broilers. 52% of the total supply of goods of these categories (110.8 thousand tons) fell on China, where the share of chicken paws was 51%, and the share of chicken wings. Read more...

AI epidemic worsening in Russia and Kazakhstan

  • 18 Nov 10:33

Millions of birds have been culled in Russia and Kazakhstan after multiple outbreaks of highly pathogenic avian influenza (HPAI) in the past weeks. As the epidemic enters new regions, millions more are at risk. Kazakhstan has lost 1.2 million birds at 3 industrial poultry farms, said Duisengaz Musin, member of the country’s Parliament, during a recent press conference. He added that this figure would be even higher if backyard farms are taken into account. In total, Kazakh poultry farms housed 46 million birds at the beginning of the epidemic, as estimated by Ruslan Sharipov, chairman of the Union of Poultry Farmers of Kazakhstan. So far, the virus has primarily. Read more...

Pork exports from Russia rise 80%

  • 18 Nov 10:01

Russia has managed to open new markets for its pork products, such as Vietnam, Hong Kong and Mongolia, despite the ongoing threat of ASF resurging in the Russian pig herd. For more than 10 years, Russia is fighting the disease and at some point, the damage created in the swine sector has transformed the country in an importer of pigmeat. However, starting 2020, Russian pork exports have rebound reaching 143,000 tonnes, which is 80% more than the same period in the previous year. According to the Russian Union of Pork Producers (RUPP) suggests that exports of pig meat could surpass 200,000 tonnes by the end of the year, up 45% on the year. The rise in exports also. Read more...

Will Russia Access The Japanese Poultry Industry Market?

  • 17 Nov 10:24

Russia is trying to resume its poultry exports to Japan.Russian experts believe that in addition to the high export potential of the Japanese market, exports to this country can help to produce more diverse products in the Russian poultry industry. Russian poultry producers are trying to export more poultry products with more added value. According to estimates, the country imported more than 571,000 tons of animal protein products worth more than $ 1.3 billion in 2019. Most of these imports came from Brazil, Thailand, the United States, Hungary, France, Turkey, Spain, Malaysia, Poland, and the Philippines. In 2019, many news networks reported that initial. Read more...

AKORT: Russian retailers restrain the growth of consumer prices

  • 17 Nov 10:23

The Association of Retail Companies (AKORT) said that Russian retailers, which are part of the industry association, will restrain the rise in prices for essential goods and do not expect their rise before the New Year holidays, reports TASS. All changes in food prices that have recently been observed in the consumer market should be perceived as seasonal fluctuations, say representatives of retail chains. AKORT notes that in the pricing policy, domestic retailers are guided by the purchasing power of the population, which has noticeably decreased during the economic crisis, aggravated by the COVID-19 pandemic. According to AKORT, in October last year, the consumer price. Read more...

Russian Poultry Industry Enters The Philippines Market

  • 16 Nov 11:58

Russia has succeeded in exporting its chicken meat to the Philippines.According to published information, the first shipment exported by Russia to this country was only 27 tons. The export comes amid a dispute between Brazil and the Philippines over the possible contamination of Brazilian-made chicken meat with COVID-19, which is likely to be pursued through the World Trade Organization. Some experts believe that the Philippines’ announcement of the possibility of contamination of chicken meat produced in Brazil is due to the country’s efforts to replace the imports it needs with other countries. According to the agreement reached between the. Read more...

Foodservice turnover in Russia in September fell by 14%

  • 16 Nov 11:57

The rate of decline in the Russian foodservice market in 2020 continues to slow down, turnover in September 2020 amounted to 132.6 billion rubles, or 86% to the level of the corresponding period of the previous year. This is stated in the materials of Rosstat. The turnover of the foodservice segment in Russia in January - September 2020 amounted to 947.5 billion rubles, or 77.2% to the level of last year (a drop of 22.8%). By August 2020, the turnover of foodservice outlets in September increased by 11.5%. Compared to Q2, Q3 growth was 70.6%. The turnover of foodservice segment in Russia began to fall against the background of the coronavirus pandemic: in April it. Read more...

Russian pig meat exports soar on back of strong production growth

  • 13 Nov 10:48

Russian exports of pig meat (incl. offal) havecontinued to perform well this year, reflecting thegrowth in production. Russian exports between January and August totalled 143,300 tonnes,80% morethan the same period in the previous year. The nation has gainedaccess to several export marketsin recent years, including Mongolia, Hong Kong and Vietnam, while negotiations with China are still ongoing. The Russian Union of Pork Producers (RUPP) suggests that exports of pig meatcould surpass 200,000 tonnesby the end of the year, which if realised would put volumes up 45% on the year. The rise in exports reflects a significantgrowth in the nation’s domestic production. In. Read more...

Uzbekistan ups production of hatching eggs

  • 13 Nov 10:06

The Uzbek poultry company Navobod Naslli Parranda has put the famous Tashkent poultry farm back into operation to meet the growing demand of hatching eggs. Already, the Tashkent poultry farm is supplying 20% of hatching eggs in Uzbekistan, owner Saidov said. The facility was built as a poultry farm in 1967 and stood completely abandoned for a number of years, according to Saidov. “Last year, we acquired all 50 hectares of the poultry farm.” Navobod Naslli Parranda has already rebuilt 45 production houses, installing the most modern imported equipment, including feed distribution unit from VDL, egg sorting complex Sanovo, both from the Netherlands. The. Read more...