World meat industry news

EU Pig Prices: Inconsistent Development - Steady in Germany

  • 15 Oct 08:10

The Situation Continues to be steady on the European pig slaughter market, with the majority of quotations moving sideward. The South is on the weak side still. As usual, Germany set the signal for unchanged last Wednesday. Denmark then recorded an identical quotation on Thursday, just as did the Netherlands and Belgium on Friday. Some participants had hoped for a market price increase in the Netherlands. But there was no chance of success after unchanged prices in Germany. Quite like the week before, Austria again was not able to maintain the price, correcting the quotation downward by 3 cents. According to the VLV, the quantities of live pigs on offer in Austria. Read more...

US Meat Production, Trade Expected to Increase in 2016

  • 15 Oct 08:09

The main message of the USDA's “Livestock and Poultry: World Markets and Trade” report is production and trade of all meats is expected to expand in 2016, write Steve Meyer and Len Steiner. This biannual report is published in April and October and includes data on US and global trade, production, consumption and stocks, as well as analysis of developments affecting world trade in livestock and poultry. The main message of the report is production and trade of all meats is expected to expand in 2016. Export growth is expected based on increased production creating downward pressure on prices, incentivising increased consumption on a global scale.. Read more...

Global Agriculture Faces Decade of Flat or Falling Prices

  • 14 Oct 07:58

World prices for food will remain flat or could fall over the next 10 years because of the current growth in agricultural production. The World Trade Organisation Public Forum, Trade Works, heard last week (30 September – 2 October) that agricultural production has been growing, particularly in Africa, affecting the movement of food prices. The first sessions of the forum, organised by the Kenya Human Rights Commission, the International Union of Food, Agricultural, Hotel, Restaurant, Catering, Tobacco and Allied Workers' Associations (IUF), the Centre for Equity Studies of India and COAST of Bangladesh heard how trade rules need to be reformed to. Read more...

New Copa President Calls for EU/US Free Trade Deal

  • 14 Oct 07:57

New Copa President Martin Merrild has underlined the need to step up talks to get a free trade deal between the EU and US (TTIP) in a visit to the USA today, stressing that benefits are to be had on both sides of the Atlantic. But he said Washington’s move to slap high duties on EU butter and cream exports to the USA needs to be rethought. Speaking to US politicians and his counterparts in Washington, Mr Merrild said: “As Copa President, I will be pressing for a strong export strategy aimed at opening new export markets and I will continue Copa’s pro-active line in the free trade talks between the EU and the USA (TTIP). Negotiations must be stepped. Read more...

USDA WASDE - 12 October 2015

  • 13 Oct 08:21

The forecasts for total meat production in 2015 and 2016 are increased from last month. Beef production for 2015 is raised on larger forecast slaughter of fed cattle in the second half of 2015 and heavier carcass weights. The forecast for 2016 is raised as cattle slaughter and carcass weights in the first half are projected higher than last month. The pork production forecasts for both 2015 and 2016 are raised. The pace of hog slaughter in the remainder of 2015 is expected to be higher. USDA’s Quarterly Hogs and Pigs estimated less of a decline in sows farrowing during June-August than indicated in prior intentions and farrowing intentions into early 2016 support. Read more...

Harbin hosts second China-Russia expo

  • 13 Oct 08:18

The second China-Russia expo opened in the Chinese city of Harbin on October 11. Russian Deputy Prime Minister Dmitry Rogozin and Chinese Vice Premier Wang Yang inaugurated the expo, which is jointly being organized by the Chinese and Russian governments. More than 4,000 Russian businessmen are taking part in the expo, according to Xinhua. Over $3 billion worth of contracts were signed at last year’s expo, according to the news agency. "Today’s expo, infact, is a preparation forPrime Minister Dmitry Medvedev’s visit, who travels toChina inmid-December,” Rogozin said,accordingto Sputnik News. Rogozin said Russia would host. Read more...

Global Food Prices Up Slightly in September

  • 12 Oct 11:56

The FAO Food Price Index averaged 156.3 points in September 2015, up one point from its sharply reduced August value, but still 18.9 per cent less than one year ago. The quotations of sugar and dairy products firmed last month, while those of the other commodities remained close to, or slightly below, their respective August levels. The FAO Dairy Price Index averaged 142.3 points in September, up 6.8 points (5 per cent) from August. The rise followed a sharp fall in the Index in the previous month. While the prices of all dairy commodities firmed, those of milk powders exhibited the largest increase. This was associated mainly with higher quotations from New. Read more...

Russia Hog Market

  • 12 Oct 11:55

Pig price continues to remain stable at 112 Roubles per live kg ($1.71). This is despite a reported increase in pig meat production of 8 per cent over last year. Russians like to eat pig meat. Current talk is all about business growth and more new farms, feed mills and slaughter plants over the next 4 years. The numbers being talked about are well over 500,000 new sow places. How is this likely to impact on the market over time? There is also huge demand for real genetic progress with new Nucleus farms that are properly managed and achieving genuine genetic progress. After years working in the UK through all the legislation changes and an ever decreasing sow herd, it. Read more...

World Grain Yield to Fall Short of Last Year’s Record

  • 9 Oct 09:39

Overall grain production for the 2015/16 year will contract one per cent, largely due to lower maize production, predicts the International Grains Council. Total wheat and coarse grain harvest will contract to 1,996 m tonnes, says the monthly IGC market report. However, grain stocks are forecast to rise to a 29-year peak, including record wheat inventories, while maize will “likely fall”. Downgrading of EU maize has contributed to a 38 m t drop in world yield projections. A spokesperson said: “Grains trade is projected to stay high, albeit 3 per cent below last year’s record. “World rice carryovers are seen falling by 10 per cent. Read more...

Value of Pork Traded Within EU Falls

  • 9 Oct 09:37

Around 3 per cent more pork was traded between EU Member States in the first half of this year, compared with a year earlier, according to figures from Eurostat. However, with unit prices around 10 per cent lower than in January-June 2014, at just under €1.90 per kg, the value of the trade was 7 per cent lower. With around 5 per cent more pig meat produced in the EU during the period and exports to non-EU markets only slightly higher, an increase in trade was perhaps inevitable. Nevertheless, the figures do suggest that a higher proportion of output was retained in its country of origin this year, which will have added to price pressure on some markets. It. Read more...