Deputy Minister of Agriculture Sergey Levin addressed to the panel “Agricultural exports as a driver of economic growth – prospects and challenges for Germany and Russia” at the Berlin Green Week 2020.
The potential of German and Russian agriculture, effective managerial technologies for agricultural sector, agricultural export as a driver of sustainable national economy growth were in point.
In particular, Sergey Levin proclaimed that over five recent years since the sanctions were imposed the Russian agricultural sector performed real transition from import substitution to export development model. “Over the past 10 years, agricultural production in Russia has redoubled enabling our massive food interventions all over the global market. Last year, Russian agricultural exports amounted to more than $25 billion. Thus, compared to 2000, it grew by almost 20 times”, the deputy minister informed.
Sergey Levin believes that the capacity for direct Russian imports of German food has been exhausted to date that’s why, in future, German manufacturing investments in Russia aimed at starting exports to third countries should become the key area of cooperation with Germany. Today, agriculture is one of the Russian industries where intense direct German investment inflow is being observed. Sergey Levin mentioned some examples of impactful implementation of huge long-term joint business agriprojects: operations of DON Group, founded and technologically tracked by Tönnies Libensmittel GmbH; cooperation with Claas KGaA GmbH engaged in supplies of agricultural machinery and Solana Rus, which is the leading potato seed breeder. In general, local manufacturing content of high reproduction seeds for cultivars registered in Russia, as well as plant protection products in still has great potential.
The key-note element of Russian-German cooperation is R&D interactions in organic agriculture. The Russian party is specifically interested in foreign experience, as well as in increasing the organic exports, because the Federal Law “On Organic Products” constituting appropriate certification and labeling system has just come into force.
Sergey Levin emphasized that Russia, counting on the principle of reciprocity, is ready to carry on with German partners in all and every agricultural subindustries.
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