According to the estimates of the Ministry of Agriculture of Russia, this year the domestic livestock breeding will continue its progressive development - growth is predicted in all main segments of the sector.
So, in 2019 the production of livestock and poultry for slaughter in live weight in farms of all categories will increase by 1.9% compared with the level of last year and will reach 15.15 million tons. Production of pigs will grow by 4%, cattle - by 1%, sheep and goats - by 1.5%, poultry - by 0.7%.
A positive trend is observed in the production of milk and eggs. The increase in milk production is expected to reach 1.6% (to 31.1 million tons), egg production - 0.9% (to 45.3 billion pieces).
Positive dynamics in the main areas of livestock sector is the result of the implementation of state support measures of the industry, aimed at technological modernization, stimulation of increasing the livestock of agricultural animals and their productivity, improving the genetic potential of livestock.
The achieved growth rates of production, as well as the preservation of measures to support farmers, allow us to predict the fulfillment of the tasks set for the current year.
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