World meat industry news

Russian meat industry harbours export hope

  • 7 Apr 11:36

Over recent months, Russian authorities have finalised a number of meat export agreements in a bid to encourage domestic companies to expand their. Read more...

Alarm as trade deal could see South American beef flood EU market

  • 6 Apr 10:11

‘Deep alarm’ has been expressedat progress on a Mercosur trade deal between the EU and South America, which includes proposals for a tariff rate quota for beef. ICSA president Patrick Kent has said its worst fears are beginning to crystallise with a proposal which he says would be utterly disastrous for the beef sector here. According to Kent, a tariff rate quota implies thousands of tons of tariff-free South American beef ‘flooding’ the EU market which will be devastating for Irish beef exports. “I am calling on the Minister for Trade Richard Bruton to immediately make strong representations that Ireland will not accept beef being sold out. Read more...

WTO ruling on Russia’s trade ban expected this week

  • 6 Apr 10:10

The World Trade Organisation (WTO) will secretly announce its verdict on Russia’s EU pork trade ban this week, according to an. Read more...

USDA Bi-Weekly International Meat, Poultry & Egg Review

  • 5 Apr 10:38

International Trade Highlights:Last year, the U.S. exported 241,800 MT of turkey meat which was 33.8 percent less volume and 23.2 percent less in value than 2014. Mexico remained the largest market for U.S. turkey exports, importing 135,620 MT of turkey but decreased imports by 36.4 percent. Hong Kong and Panama remained in second and third places respectively. Hong Kong was the only major trading partner that increased turkey imports from the U.S. The U.S. imported 20,091 MT of frozen turkey meat in 2015, increasing 65.7 percent over the year before. Canada, Chile, and Israel remained the top three exporters to the U.S. in 2015 with imports increasing 38.3 percent,. Read more...

Classical Swine Fever Reported in Russia

  • 5 Apr 10:37

An outbreak of classical swine fever has been reported in wild boar. The two wild boar were found in the forest area Tigrovoe, Mikhajlovsky, in. Read more...

EU Live Pig Trade Declined in 2015

  • 4 Apr 11:40

Following the introduction of new Country of Origin Labelling (COOL) regulations in the EU in April 2015, there was a concern that the trade in live pigs between EU countries could be reduced. Indeed, it would seem that it has had an effect on the live trade between countries such as the Netherlands, Denmark and Germany. There are virtually no live imports into the EU from third countries and only limited live exports to countries outside the EU, mostly to neighbouring countries such as Serbia, Albania and Moldova. The formerly important trade with Russia has now stopped, while trade with Ukraine is much reduced. The Dutch and Danes exported fewer pigs to Germany. Read more...

US beef imports reach highest levels in 11 years – Over 1m tonne imported in 2015

  • 4 Apr 11:38

New figures show that the US imported more beef last year than any of the previous 11 years, up 50% on 2013 figures.The US imported 1.08m tonnes of beef in 2015, according to figures from the AHDB (the organisation for beef and lamb in the UK). This marks a considerable change for the US beef industry, as it is now dependent on imports to meet its beef demand. The US previously produced about 100,000t more beef than its domestic market required, but due to aseven-year decline in its cattle herd,it had to import almost 360,000t of beef last year to satisfy the markets demand. Changes in the currency market also had a negative impact on the US beef industry, making. Read more...

ASF Reported in More Ukrainian Farmed Pigs

  • 1 Apr 10:14

African Swine Fever (ASF) has been reported in more Ukrainian pigs from the villages of Voynivka and Nadlymanske. InVoynivka 15 cases were reported and all 29 pigs in the backyard operation died or were destroyed as a precaution. InNadlymanske, two cases were reported and. Read more...

Rabobank reports South American beef exports to rise

  • 1 Apr 10:13

South America's beef exporters are set to increase exports by an estimated 11% in 2016. This increase is supported by favourable currency values, improved access to importing countries and increased availability of beef. “Brazil, the largest Latin American beef producer, is expected to see reduced local consumption and gains in export access, which, in combination, will lead to more exports,” according to Angus Gidley-Baird, Senior Animal Protein Analyst at Rabobank. Domestically, Brazil is in a complex situation, with high inflation and a rising unemployment rate producing what some describe as the most serious economic crisis the country. Read more...

EU pig meat consumption rising

  • 31 Mar 13:00

The average person in the EU consumed 40.9kg of pig meat in 2015, the largest amount since 2011.Per capita consumption fell between 2011 and 2013 but has now increased for two years in a row, rising by over a kilo in two years. The increase comes as rising EU production was only partly offset by higher exports.Nevertheless, growing export sales meant the EU’s self-sufficiency rate rose from 110% to 112% (i.e. it produced 12% more pig meat than it consumed).Despite the overall increase, the latest figures show stagnant or declining consumption in many of the Member States in the North and West of Europe, including Germany, France and the. Read more...